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Mediacom | Digital Planner International

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Contenu de l'offre Mediacom | Digital Planner International chez MediaCom

Paris (75) Temps plein, CDI

A subsidiary of WPP, GroupM is the world leader in consulting and advertising space purchasing and supports its advertisers in promoting their brands.

Present in more than 80 countries, we work with renowned clients in a wide range of industries. In France, we are present through the KR WaveMaker, Mediacom, Mindshare, Neo and Keyade agencies (1000 employees).

Mediacom is looking for its Digital Planner International
Role : 75% - PSA Digital Cross-Brand Consulting 20% - Spoticar Digital Strategy 5% - Peugeot international media plans
Managing & coordinating digital activities on transversal brands: PSA is extending the scope of MediaCom on brands that didn’t have many digital activities (mobility service, used cars) The mission will cover the conception of international / pan-regional strategies that will be activated either on a local level or through our Search, Social & Programmatic hubs The candidate will also have the task: To take the brief in coordination with the dedicated account To write the strategy with the support of account director To promote the strategy to the client & educate him in the process (low knowledge of digital & media strategy) To coordinate the activation process, either with the countries or with the hubs To coordinate the reporting processes either with the countries or with the hubs Billing process follow-up
Managing international digital strategy & activation: PSA brands can have specific pan regional needs, that can be a mix between local (offline) and international (online) plans. Main brand having such need is Peugeot. The mission will cover the conception of international / pan-regional strategies that will be activated through our Social (main activation) & Programmatic hubs The candidate will also have the task: To take the brief in coordination with the brand strategist To write the strategy with the support of the brand strategist To promote the strategy to the client & educate him in the process (low knowledge of digital & media strategy) Be the brand partner when it comes to the creative needs & specs To coordinate the activation process, either with the countries or with the hubs To coordinate the reporting processes Billing process follow-up
Cross-brand digital consulting & expertise: Even if PSA brands have separated activities, there are transversal digital foundations that are to be maintained & enhanced. These rules are created on a central level in coordination with the data & programmatic hubs, but also following the realities of the countries. The candidate will have the task to : Participate in the evolution of the existing digital guidelines Write transversal strategic & operational guidelines in Social Media, Paid Search & display Provide support in defining or selecting technical solutions that will be used by the countries Follow the deployment & use of the guidelines & tools Work in generating insights & best cases throughout the MC network and promoting them towards the PSA client He will work jointly with the PSA digital officer, in charge of the transversal strategy & product offer
Profile : Rather old or current digital media planner Knowledge and practice of performance strategies (programmatic, social media, Paid Search) Good technical knowledge (use of G Speaking English, comfortable writing in English International experience or coordination is nice to have Teamworker
Cpf final 4

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Mediacom | Digital Planner International
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