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Contenu de l'offre AWS Business Analyst chez Merkle DACH

Company Description

As a full-service, data-driven customer experience transformation, we partner with Top 500 companies in the DACH region and in Eastern Europe. Originally from Switzerland, Merkle DACH was created out of a merger Namics and Isobar - two leading full-service digital agencies.

Our 1200+ digital enthusiasts are innovating the way brands are built, through providing expertise in Digital Transformation strategy, MarTech platforms, Creativity, UX, CRM, Data, Commerce, Mobile, Social Media, Intranet and CMS. We are part of the global Merkle brand, the largest brand within the dentsu group, who shares with us a network of over 66,000 passionate individuals in 146 countries.

Job Description

The purpose of this role is to enable transformation delivery through the capture and analysis of user and business needs, ensuring outcomes are aligned with service vision and business strategy.

Analysis and Requirements Definition. Employs a range of tools and techniques to gather business and user requirements against the clear objectives articulated for the project. Determines the need and value of performing the activity based on the context. If required, employs a range of tools and techniques to map 'As-Is' and To-Be' business processes/capabilitiesImpact Analysis and Estimation. Identifies potential consequences of a change and estimates what needs to be modified to accomplish that change and focuses on defining changes within the scope of the overall project design, to the requisite quality with appropriate level of effort required depending on change definingBusiness Solution Design and Development. Engages with requisite stakeholders to ensure business systems, workflows and processes contribute to target operating model/capability. Ensures that activities within project are mapped to ensure that they are delivered effectively and work in partnership with domain experts e.g. Enterprise Architects, Systems Analysts, where applicable, to translate business needs into solutions, work with technical leads to ensure business needs are translated into the technical solutionsBenefits Evaluation. Evaluates strengths and weaknesses of identified benefits and dis-benefits in line with project mandateStakeholder Engagement. Engages with business owners, business change managers, users and other identified key stakeholders, as required, to ensure alignment of project requirements and solution/capability designBusiness Change. Works closely with Business Change Managers and improvement teams with identification of BAU enhancements and associated solutions to ensure that defined project outputs are delivered and benefits realisedFrameworks, Tools and Documentation. Provides advice and guidance to the project team on application of methodologies; operating model; functional specification; user cases; user stories; defect analysis; forms and templates appropriate for organisational context and project
Cloud project ExperienceStrong communication skills in EnglishMulticultural Project experience
Additional Information

Based in Europe, contract type and work location are flexible

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AWS Business Analyst
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