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Talent Acquisition Manager Tech

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Contenu de l'offre Talent Acquisition Manager Tech chez Mirakl

Mirakl is powering the platform economy by providing the leading technology and partner ecosystem needed to launch an eCommerce marketplace. We are:

The global leader in marketplace platform software, at the heart of digital transformation of the world's largest organizations A global company, headquartered in Paris, with 300+ employees and offices in Boston, London, Munich, Barcelona, Stockholm, Bordeaux and São Paulo A rapidly growing organization that just raised a $70M Series C round of funding from prestigious investors Enabling over 200 of the world’s leading B2B and B2C companies including Galeries Lafayette, ABB, Conforama, Carrefour, Siemens, Toyota Material Handling, and Conrad to offer more, learn more, and sell more True to our core values of: Innovate & Inspire, Satisfy & Empower Clients, Get Things Done, Go Above & Beyond, and Work Hard Together

Mirakl has grown its headcount by 200% in the last two years and will continue to bring onboard the best and brightest in 2020 and beyond. Mirakl got out stronger of the COVID crisis because its solution helps companies not only to grow but also to be more resilient. Gartner projects that more than 60% of online sellers will adopt marketplaces or include third-party sales in their eCommerce ecosystems by the end of 2020. To support this rapid adoption of the marketplace model and further accelerate our growth, Mirakl is looking for a Tech TAM with a robust experience to join our expanding global HR team.


As a Tech Talent Acquisition Manager, you will steer our R&D recruitment strategy and employer brand and be responsible for end-to-end recruitment processes of our most complex senior positions based in our Paris office.

Your role :

Manage and grow a team of passionate tech recruiters (currently one experienced recruiter, 2 new permanent recruiters to hire asap) Find and coach the best profiles Source diverse, innovative, online and IRL channels to catch the best profiles #jantegzeismygod Attract them and gain their trust through a rich and impactful conversation #notyourusualrecruiter Assess them to select excellence Building up internal market intelligence Closely oversee your candidates' hiring process to ensure smooth, high-bar and high-quality interviews #candidateexperience Follow up on your new hires integration and integrate feedback to continuously improve sourcing and recruitment effort Manage and advise demanding managers and directors in our R&D teams with high expectations #talentadvisory #businesspartner #workforceplanning Support & contribute to our employer brand development (career portal, events, campus, etc.) Report on your activity to identify process optimization opportunities


This job is made for you if:

You thrive and excel in a fast-paced and metrics-driven environment You have a strong sense of curiosity and a natural capacity to step outside of your comfort zone You can demonstrate excellent communication and influential skills in French and English #STARmethod You're eager to roll up your sleeves to enable Mirakl's growth and your own! You have a minimum of 5 years experience in Tech Talent Acquisition (a management experience is a plus)
Cpf final 4

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Talent Acquisition Manager Tech
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