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ERP Business Analyst - Sage X3

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Contenu de l'offre ERP Business Analyst - Sage X3 chez Murex

ERP Business Analyst - Sage X3

Job ID: 34742 Location: PARIS (FRA)

Who we are :

Murex is a global fintech leader in trading, risk management and processing solutions for capital markets.

Operating from our 19 offices, 2400 Murexians from over 60 different nationalities ensure the development, implementation and support of our platform which is used by banks, asset managers, corporations and utilities, across the world.

Join Murex and work on the challenges of an industry at the forefront of innovation and thrive in a people-centric environment.

You’ll be part of one global team where you can learn fast and stay true to yourself.

Team and context :

As part of its Digital Transformation strategy, Murex wants to reengineer a selected number of key internal processes and tools, mainly related to Learning, Human Resources, Finance, budgeting and Professional Services. To drive the transformation and to guarantee the success of this program, we are looking to hire a talented, passionate, and functional expert on finance domain to support system delivery and build trusted experiences with both internal customers and integrated partners.

Your missions / What you'll do ?

Defines and documents customer business functions and processes. Analyzes feasibility, identifies gaps in comparison to the market standards. Develops requirements for new systems and enhancements to existing systems to ensure that the system design fits the needs of the users. Recommends solutions to be developed to solve the client pain points and needs while collaborating with the technical experts. Collaborates and acts as a liaison between the end-users, technical architects, developers, operators and other teams in the analysis, design, configuration, development, testing and maintenance of the information system products to ensure optimal operational performance and client satisfaction. Conducts change impact analysis to assess the potential implications of changes and defines a clear plan to tackle needed relevant changes. Follows, reports progress, raises risks and ensures the proper execution of the information system roadmap to solve the internal clients pain points and needs.

Your profile / Who you are ?

Master degree with at least 2 years of experience in information systems, ERP, finance

Knowledge of SAGE X3 is a must (support/finance implementation)

Proven experience working in project mode with strong respect to deadlines - Product management experience is a plus

Good capability to manage technical projects and interact with Murex business stakeholders and sponsors

Good knowledge of Agile and Scrum methodology, experience with Safe is a plus

Attention to detail and a well-organized, structured approach to work

Excellent communications and influencing skills

Strong analytical, problem solving and drive for result skills

English, French is a plus

Cpf final 4

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ERP Business Analyst - Sage X3
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