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Senior User Acquisition Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Senior User Acquisition Manager chez Music World Media

Senior User Acquisition Manager


Founded in 2012, MWM is today one of the most promising startups in the French Tech ecosystem: we are proud to be part of the FT120 2021 program and to carry the French colors internationally!

We are a tech factory, 1st global publisher of music apps and leader in the creativity sector. Our three founding values are Passion, Impact, and Resilience. In 2020 we raised 50 millions euros and launched our own mobile games studio.ð¼

We are 130 MWMers in a constant quest for innovation and technical independence, and we all work towards one goal: make inspiring and ambitious mobile applications.

Our products? More than 30 apps in Music and Creativity : photo, video, art… Our apps are used by millions of people worldwide, and account for more than 450 millions downloads.

Interested? Keep reading!


You will work in the Marketing/Revenue team with the UA designers, Ad Monetization managers and the Product marketers. Furthermore, you will be closely working with the developers and data analysts. You will be reporting to the Head of Growth.


In this role, you will be a part of the User Acquisition team and will be working on highly scalable mobile apps & games, used by millions of people. You will be involved in the User Acquisition strategy from beginning to end.

You will be involved in the User Acquisition strategy planning and execution,
Accountable for the paid user acquisition for a part of our portfolio,
Mentor the less experienced UA professionals of your team,
Create and manage UA campaigns for several MWM applications & games,
Work closely with campaign performance data to optimize campaigns and target based on performance metrics (ROI/ROAS driven),
Work closely with the designers to find the most efficient creatives to promote our apps,
Look for new creative ways to improve your work and performance,
Improve and share your knowledge through the marketing team.


At least 3-5 years of digital acquisition with a UA knowledge of mobile acquisition covering channel mix, budget and profitability management, UA strategy on top of UA campaign setting,
Organizational and analytical skills,
Proven leadership capabilities including excellent problem-solving skills and critical thinking mindset, effective decision making, and the ability to drive results,
Good understanding of the mobile ecosystem (Store, App, tracking system) and KPIs for mobile apps,
Experience in User Acquisition with good knowledge of user acquisition platforms (Facebook Ads, Google Ads...),
Either Native French speaker with excellent English or Fluent in English with at least conversational French (as the position is based in Paris).

Even better if you have:

Previous working experience in a startup environment,
Tracked record with successful mobile games,
Good knowledge of hyper-casual gaming and/or apps.


A vision: to develop high-performance mobile applications that unleash the creative potential of everyone, whether it's music, drawing, photography... You will join a team of passionate people, particularly focused on innovation and test-and-learn.

An ecosystem: Scale-up in full growth, profitable for several years, we have the privilege to evolve in a consumer market with an almost unlimited potential. Whether collaborating with DJs such as Martin Solveig and DJ Jazzy Jeff, working closely with tech giants such as Google or Apple, or designing new levels in our own video game studio, our universe is rich and varied!

A relaxed and motivating working atmosphere: free gym on the premises, fresh fruit, snacks and drinks as much as you like. A brunch and a visit from the hairdresser, manicurist and osteo in the office every month. A relaxation and games area, a personal parking space, meal voucher, lots of afterworks & various activities, team building like the one we just did in Mykonos.

An attractive remuneration package including, among other things, a profit-sharing bonus, a company savings plan - not to mention numerous career opportunities!


Choose to begin directly with the test or a HR call withAdélaïde, Talent Acquisition Manager

Interview with Josselyn, Lead UA (1h - visio)
Interview withRaphaël, Head of Growth (1h - visio)

Interview with Charles, COO (1h - on-site)
Welcome !

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Senior User Acquisition Manager
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