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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst - Sales chez NASDAQ

Nasdaq Risk Intelligence is one of the leaders in the Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) market. Our Web Based application powered by BWise enables customers to manage their risks, perform internal audits and monitor compliance as to keep their business in control.

As a Business Analyst you will have to u nderstand business issues and drivers in the industry, be able to draft an implementation plan for the Nasdaq GRC solutions, which solves the business issues of the prospect client and communicates the implementation plan with the project manager. Qualify opportunities; prepare demos and proof of concept. Demonstrate the use of BWise software on a functional level. Co-ordinates internal actions required for presentations and demos, including Solutions Consultants, consulting and potentially product management and R&D.

In addition, you will have to pro-actively get and keep knowledge and skills up-to-date, within the boundaries of the Risk Intelligence competence model powered by BWise. Also, keep knowledge of the competition up-to-date, learn from it and communicates about this throughout the organization.


Collect customer requirements and translate them into a customized demonstration showcasing BWise software capabilities Deliver high-quality work within short timelines Manage multiple complex sales activities simultaneously Finishing the role-based demo’s in the Corporate Demo Image (CDI) Perform administrative tasks on-time and keep BWise information systems up to date, make sure that information given is precise and complete, according to the BWise regulations Make your own planning and take preparation time into account Deliver high-quality, well-written RFPs and POC user guides to prospective customers Answering functional and technical questions of BWise software, creating relevant texts and documents


Degree in computer science, engineering, mathematics or a similar discipline Minimum 5 years of work experience as a business analyst preferably in the financial industry Excellent French and English language skills Spanish, Portuguese or Italian language skills would be considered as an advantage Best practice knowledge related to hardware sizing, high availability, and information security Excellent communication and presentation skills Strong experience in the following technologies: Business Intelligence Reporting: SAP Business Objects, SAP Xcelsius Enterprise Software Infrastructures: Windows Server OS, VMWare, Apache Tomcat Web Server, Microsoft SQL Database, Oracle Database Integrations with external systems leveraging: Web Services, XML, ODBC/JDBC. CSV, RSS

Nasdaq is an equal opportunity employer. We positively encourage applications from suitably qualified and eligible candidates regardless of age, color, disability, national origin, ancestry, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, veteran status, genetic information or any other status protected by applicable law.

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Business Analyst - Sales
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