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Business Data Analyst CDI / Permanent Job Paris / France

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Contenu de l'offre Business Data Analyst CDI / Permanent Job Paris / France chez Near

A Day in the Life

Act as a sales business partner:

Translate business questions into analytics projects and interpret results to drive measurable business Prepare presentations that communicate KPIs and actionable insights to customers (including building custom reports or dashboards and scheduling automated reporting) Effectively communicate complex analysis to multiple levels of stakeholders Devise and implement campaign performance optimization protocol Support the strategic leadership teams, to help drive client strategy and direction Collaborate with cross-functional business units to address business challenges and client needs Get feedback and build solutions for users and customers

Build data visualization tools:

Communicate with internal colleagues to understand the needs of departments Prepare dashboard (Mode Analytics technology) by collecting, analyzing and summarizing data and trends Stay up to date on emerging technologies and skills

Improve the product:

Collaborate with product managers and suggest appropriate solutions for analytics deliverables Synthesize both quantitative and qualitative data into insights that deepen our understanding of our product performance and user behaviour Use data modelling practices to suggest strategic and operational improvements Support staff and teams in making your recommended changes

What You Bring to the Role

A degree in business, economics, finance, math, or statistics Outstanding analytical skills with a good grasp of statistical modeling Proficiency in SQL & Excel Ability to work in a fast-paced environment, which often requires the ability to manage multiple projects and priorities You are autonomous, detail-oriented, well organized, efficient with time management A great appetite for creating solutions with a positive attitude to change and an ability to think out of the box A passion for discovering solutions hidden in large data sets and working with stakeholders to improve business outcomes A data visualization expert – someone who can take a business question and visualize the results to impactfully tell a story with data (experience with Mode Analytics or Tableau is a plus) Excellent verbal and written communication skills, including accurate and timely reporting. You are able to work cross-functionally with internal stakeholders to support the business needs. You have strong storytelling and presentation skills You are flexible, optimistic, and an enthusiastic participant in team meetings Fluent in English

Cpf final 4

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Business Data Analyst CDI / Permanent Job Paris / France
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