Offres d'emplois Web Marketing & e-business

Administration and Finance Business Analyst, Coordinator

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Contenu de l'offre Administration and Finance Business Analyst, Coordinator chez Nissan

Montigny-le-Bretonneux (78)

Nissan is a global company driven by the accomplishments of our employees. We find pride in our continued commitment to diversity and an exciting lineup of vehicles. Simply put, we are at the intersection of people, transportation, and the environment which keeps us at the forefront of innovation.

To learn more about us, click on the link: Nissan's 80 Years of Moving People – YouTube

Job Overview

The primary function of the Business Relationship Manager is to effectively manage the business demand for Collaborative Business to Employee and Human Resources starting from mandatory business needs Payroll and going to Talent Management, Training and Collaborative platforms. The relationship manager is the business frontline representative with the entire IS organization. The relationship manager represents the business's plans, priorities application to IS organizations and is a catalyzer to support main business drivers through short term and mid-term initiatives

Primary Responsibilities and Activities

Assess the existing situation and measure gap from industry standard best practices and competitors benchmark in terms of Talent Management, KPI HR and collaborative strategy Implement and Deploy Digital Workplace in Europe according to Global standards . Identify strategic business drivers and transform it on KPI, Analysis dimensions and master data Supports the HR tools implantation Roadmap Launch and leverage the necessary projects supporting Nissan strategy Demand and project portfolio management Acts as a facilitator Acts as the link between business and software factory Communicates and reports

Candidate Requirements

3-5 years of experience Mandatory experience in SAP and Finance Bac+5

Embracing Diversity:

All of us at Nissan - regardless of functional area or expertise - share a passion to design, manufacture and sell high-performance, fun to drive vehicles. Nissan is an Equal Opportunity Employer for all. Applicants will be considered for all positions regardless of race, gender, military status, disability, or any other status protected by law.

The position is based in Montigny le Bretonneux, France

Montigny Le Bretonneux Yvelines France
Cpf final 4

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Administration and Finance Business Analyst, Coordinator
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