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Contenu de l'offre IS/IT SAP Business Analyst chez Nissan

Mission & main Objectives:
The primary function of the IS/IT SAP Business Analyst is to effectively manage the business demand of After-Sales Commercial and Logistics Domain being focused on the business needs of the After-Sales functional areas.

The role is to understand a broad portfolio composed by After-Sales Commercial and Logistics Function and their business applications used in their Domain of NISSAN EUROPE, to define and agree application strategies aligned with business strategic roadmaps of this business domain.

Understanding business requirements and business processes to aid the design, delivery and support of new solutions driving business efficiency, building effective working relationships with business experts within Commercial and Logistics After-Sales Function.

Main Tasks & Responsibilities:
Develop and implement supply chain/logistic SAP functions, workflows
Liaise with business experts of Commercial and Logistics After-Sales Functions & IS teams to define and agree application strategies and roadmaps.
Effectively manage the business demands, supporting the business requirements gathering, analyzing, processing
Establish the Demand Life Cycle steps in the dedicated business domain & ensure the determined acceptance criteria for each step are respected
Identify & suggest synergies between distinct demands
Propose and investigate new technologies and applications to improve Commercial and Logistics After-Sales Functions business efficiency.
Work on first high level design (functional / technical) for the demand in the pipeline and estimate effort using the support from the cross functional Domain assessment group.
Identify technology and functional requirements needed for the implementation of the demand with the support of EA and Service Delivery teams.
Act as the link between BRM, business, software factory and Service Delivery teams, orchestrate the cross-functional reviews to Identify the best delivery route for a demand delivery
Support demand transition into the project mode, working close with the business representative & assigned project manager
Demand and Project portfolio management
Communicates and reports

Minimum Education & Qualifications Background & Experience:
Ideally qualified to degree level in Business or Engineering
Minimum of 5 years professional experience in Automotive or Retail industry /domain
Knowledge and experience of Commercial and Logistics After-Sales related Systems (eg: SAP, Manatthan, specific automotive softwares)
Previous knowledge/experience of Nissan or Automotive business processes is an advantage
Experience in systems analysis, functional design and a solid understanding of development, quality assurance and integration methodologies.
Knowledge in systems designs techniques (e.g. Data Flow Diagrams, Data Models, etc.)
Capable of translating business requirements into application design.
Good understanding of the software development process, including requirement gathering, analysis/design, development tools/technologies, release/version control, contemporary testing methodologies and deployment management.
Understanding of technologies relevant to the Commercial and Logistics After-Sales Functions

Specific technical skills Software knowledge:
Commercial and Logistics After-Sales Functions (Automotive domain Specifics)
Skilled on a PC including PowerPoint, Excel and Word, Outlook
Service Now (SNOW) and JIRA would be advantageous
May be an expert user of certain IT systems where job role requires.

Soft skills:
Has a professional attitude to work with a positive and questioning personality.
Understands how their professional field can impact on the business, understands best practice and develops relevant strategies to support business growth
Able to make decisions or solve complex problems by drawing on technical/professional knowledge
Able to identify key areas of improvement and implement changes to create an efficient and effective working environment
Ability to communicate needs and schedules to IS and clients, as well as ensure that plans are in place and standards are adhered to.
Strong oral and written communication skills, as well as ability to present and explain technical and functional information in a way that establishes rapport,
Strong customer focus and ability to manage client expectations.
Strong analytical skills

Montigny Le Bretonneux Yvelines France
Cpf final 4

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IS/IT SAP Business Analyst
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