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International Data Analyst (stage) H/F

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Contenu de l'offre International Data Analyst (stage) H/F chez Nissan United

International Data Analyst (stage) H/F

International Data Analyst ( Intern) (F/M) – Nissan United

Nissan United AMIEO ( Africa, Middle East, India, Europe, Oceania) is looking for an enthusiastic fresh graduate for the internship opportunity of international Data Analyst for Nissan for a period of 6 months or 1 year starting ASAP. If you are motivated to work in an international environment with people of different backgrounds across all digital advertising channels (Social media, Search engines, and Display and programmatic advertising) you have come to the right place.

Job Scope:

You will be reporting directly to the data, audience and analytics directors and working with Regional, Global & the local Nissan United teams in the AMIEO region on a day to day basis. The focus markets depend on the tasks to be delivered. The job will provide you with an overall digital experience and exposure to vast variety of Analytics and Insight disciplines in a fun and supportive environment.

The tasks will include the following:

Extract insights from data and share results from audience analytics reports with strategy teams
Help to drive adoption of the data strategy and the cookieless roadmap developed at the AMIEO region
Leverage data to assess, diagnose and prescribe campaign optimizations to improve performance delivery
Support modelling work, by collecting data from local teams on media spend, sales performance and analyse the quality and work with 7 countries across AMIEO to understand the reasons for outliers.
Govern and improve taxonomy adoption with local markets
Assist in the development of client-facing materials including data presentations and audience performance reports
Participate in team meetings and knowledge sessions to share new strategies for targeting campaigns and to provide feedback on platform and data performance
Assist analyzing online user behavior, conversion data, customer journeys, funnel analysis and multi-channel attribution

What we are looking for?

• Impeccable fluency in English is a priority as the job is in English, other languages are a plus

• Previous experience with digital channels

• Ability to analyze and work with various datasets and platforms

• Proficiency in excel is a must

• Knowledge of analytics and data platforms preferred

• Knowledge of digital key performance indicators and metrics (Reach, click through rates, impressions and general KPI’s)

• Excellent communication and listening skills

• Initiative to learn and apply

• Someone who enjoys the occasional team events and afterwork apero’s

Please send your CV and cover letter to:

Best of luck on all your future endeavors,

Nissan United team

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International Data Analyst (stage) H/F
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