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Contenu de l'offre Talent Acquisition Manager chez OpenClassrooms

OpenClassrooms makes education and career mobility accessible to everyone, everywhere.

We are the leading online education platform in Europe and Africa, offering fully-accredited online diplomas based on the skills of the future and gathering each month a passionate community of 2 million of students from around the world.

OpenClassrooms is accelerating its business development and is looking for people passionate about making education accessible and helping employers manage their talents.

Welcome to the revolution of education! #BecomeFutureProof

It’s official - our Talent Acquisition team is ready to welcome a new team member! This position is open in our Paris office, but it is also accessible remotely from any other region in France.


You will be in charge of our external hirings and internal mobility mainly for the Sales, Marketing and Finance teams. You will be responsible for the whole recruitment process, from the hiring need definition with the manager until the offer.

Your responsibilities will include the following:

Work closely with the hiring managers to create compelling job ads, define key skills to be assessed, and set a time-efficient recruitment process. Guide your hiring managers through the recruitment process and help them hire more efficiently. Identify roadblocks early in the recruitment process and neutralise them before they become an issue. Maximise the use of your Talent Pools to get pre-qualified leads ready to be interviewed for recurrent jobs. Anticipate the next steps for the candidates in your pipelines in order to accelerate the hiring process. Conduct lessons learned at the end of key projects / assignments in order to improve your own skills and to increase the efficiency of the recruitment process. Regularly monitor the market trends to be well informed on potential recruitment challenges and opportunities in your industry.


Internal VP and C-level stakeholders consider you as their business partner and value your opinion. You are not afraid of juggling between multiple tasks and priorities - you are actually energized by it! International hiring is a no brainer for you. Based on your experience, you are able to pinpoint the elements that need to be verified during the recruitment process. As a seasoned interviewer, you know exactly which questions to ask in order to evaluate relevant skills in an efficient and inclusive way. You are considered by your peers as a “people person” - regular communication is super important to you. You speak French and English fluently, and you want to continue working in an international environment.


At least 5 years of experience in talent acquisition, including full-cycle recruitment First experience in a dynamic, hyper-growth context - you've tried it and you liked it! You are used to working with Applicant Tracking Systems, as well as with communication and productivity tools.


A work environment and a strong culture built on agility, openness, respect and high quality A competitive salary Health insurance (“Mutuelle”) monthly fee entirely paid by OpenClassrooms and remote medical consultations for free Possibility to access professional development training sponsored by OpenClassrooms Pass Navigo entirely paid by OpenClassrooms Meal vouchers (Employer contribution at 60%, the max authorised by law) Access to the gym for free (Gymlib paid by OpenClassrooms) Unlimited days off, and after 1 year at OpenClassrooms, a 1.000€ premium once a year for 15+ days off taken “Remote First” work policy A company MacBook


The journey starts with a phone interview with a Talent Acquisition Manager (20 min) This will then be followed by a case study to validate your practical job-related skills ( 1hour) Then a face-to-face (virtual) meeting with the Talent Acquisition Director (1 hour) For the very final round, you will meet one of your future HR colleagues and a person from another team in OpenClassrooms (it can be Employers, Student Success, Finance…) You will be asked to provide us with professional references including contact details.

Intrigued? We’d love to hear from you! Apply today — we’re standing by for your resume!

Feel free to get the gist of who we are:

OpenClassrooms is a French hyper-growth company eligible for the French Tech Visa program. That means, for foreign candidates, benefiting from the accelerated procedure to apply for a "Talent Passport" residence permit. There is also a simplified "accompanying family" procedure available for spouse and dependent minor children.

More information here:

We value diversity and welcome everyone who wants to join us and make education accessible. We are at an exciting moment and we deeply believe that various backgrounds and experiences will lead to a better product for our students.

Working at OpenClassrooms means joining a dynamic and stimulating team, take up challenges, meet awesome people every week, and change the world, a little bit, every day!

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