Offres d'emplois Web Marketing & e-business

Senior Business Analyst - (H/F)

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Business Analyst - (H/F) chez OVH

Ref 0000JSBA2021 CDI Lille Lyon Paris Roubaix France


You will be related to OVHcloud's operations activities to support and accelerate our overall growth and drive OVHcloud transformation.


As a Senior Business Analyst, you will be in charge of the Business Process and functional requirements for the Product and Order Management (POM) scope, please find below the detail :

Product Catalog management Customer information requirements Contract Management: subscription Terms and Conditions Order Placement (Back-end of the order pipe) Order Fulfillment Order Delivery Renew: prepare the data for the billing run Pay as you go: calculate the consumption

You will be in charge of deciding the functional way to tackle the business requirements:

Be the relay between business team and technical team Write the business requirements and the functional specifications Manage your direct report (1 or 2 maxi) Participate to the technical choice With the project manager, you will oversee the developments and the software configuration of your scope Be able to forecast the workload of your stream Communicate in a pro-active way about all your on-going activities Ensure the hyper-care period after the go live of all new features


Good knowledge in Order to Cash Expertise in BSS Expertise in Order Management System Good Knowledge in Catalog Management Good knowledge in OSS Be able to coordinate several streams and several teams Agility method : Lean and/or Sigma approach English and French mandatory Knowledge of the best-practice, TMForum


Autonomy Adaptability of speech in front of different bench of people Inquisitiveness to understand new business concept and work in a fast-changing environment Curiosity and motivation to understand complex IT architecture Strictness to meet the deadlines Self-training on the best practices of the market or sector

Want to join a unique human adventure?
Explore new ways and use your talent and your energy to support an ambitious project?
You are at the right place. Join the OVHcloud adventure!

Cpf final 4

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Senior Business Analyst - (H/F)
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