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Business Analyst - 1 year contract

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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst - 1 year contract chez Pall

Find what drives you on a team with a more than 70-year history of discovery, determination, and innovation. As a global leader in high-tech filtration, separation, and purification, Pall Corporation thrives on helping our customers protect people. Our products serve a wide range of markets, so if your interests lie along the spectrum of Life Sciences to Industrial, you’ll find a rewarding role here. For the exponentially curious, Pall is a place you can thrive and amplify your impact on the world.
Pall is proud to work alongside a community of nine fellow Danaher Life Sciences companies. Together, we’re pioneering the future of science and medicine, developing products that enable researchers in the fight to save lives.
We are currently recruiting for 2 Business Analysts to work on a contract position at either our France or UK site (Portsmouth). This contract will be for at least 1 year but could continue.
The right candidate would be supporting the LER/Project Oscar Project implementation with for the Commercial /Customer service organisation. The position is Hybrid so both home based and on site when needed (10%) Main Duties :
Work with partners (customers/CS/Sales associate) in capturing business requirements, data usage and risk for data migration needs.
Assist in designing, planning, and handling the data migration process.
Perform migration and user acceptance testing of static data and transaction data from one core system to another.
Provide input, document requirements, and support the design and delivery of training programs.
Work with sales and customer service associates in ensuring timely communication and change management with impacted customers
Support the CS teams during all phases of the project including post launch. Position Proficiencies:

Knowledge & Key Skills:
Specific detailed knowledge of SAP -Sales and Distribution process functionality.
Interpersonal skills both written and verbal.
5 – 8 years experience understanding of how organisations/people go through change and change process.
Ability to perform Testing of systems /Process flows and Data migration aspects.
Previous customer service or supply chain roles with meaningful experience to refer to when taking care of Pall Sales and Distribution process.

Participate in project team meetings and discussions Support or stand in for other members of the Project team Willing to flex working hours if necessary to complete tasks or attend meetings/calls
When you join us, you’ll also be joining Danaher’s global organization, where 69,000 people wake up every day determined to help our customers win. As an associate, you’ll try new things, work hard, and advance your skills with guidance from dedicated leaders, all with the support of powerful Danaher Business System tools and the stability of a tested organization.

At Danaher, we value diversity and the existence of similarities and differences, both visible and not, found in our workforce, workplace and throughout the markets we serve. Our associates, customers and shareholders contribute unique and different perspectives as a result of these diverse attributes.

If you’ve ever wondered what’s within you, there’s no better time to find out.
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Business Analyst - 1 year contract
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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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