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Contenu de l'offre INTERNSHIP – BUSINESS ANALYST ASSISTANT chez Parfums Christian Dior


Since 1947, the men and women of Parfums Christian Dior have embodied the founding "couturier-perfumer's" unique spirit of excellence, creativity and expertise, both in France and throughout the world. By revolutionizing the codes of French style and luxury through perfumes, and combining tradition with daring makeup and innovative skincare, they are reinventing every day the Dior style and its compelling, joyful and absolute beauty. Today, Parfums Christian Dior invites you to join this hive of creativity.


The intern will be integrated into the Market and Consumer Intelligence team and will support all the LVMH Beauty Division houses (Parfums Christian Dior, Guerlain, Benefit, Fresh…) in their market analysis. Contribute globally to the growth of ones of the most luxurious houses worldwide.


The mission is to increase business understanding by collecting, analyzing and reporting sales and market data.

Consolidating data and prepare reporting, providing ad-hoc analysis to support the decision-making process Complete the monthly sales report with the figures received & produce the agreed business dashboards for Management Ad Hoc Analysis - Support the marketing teams with ad hoc analysis amongst which Business Cases Build powerful insights to help create the most efficient business strategies with individual insights by markets and brands


Start Date : February 2022 for 6 months

Location: Neuilly-sur-Seine (92)


International Master level in Management Previous experience in cosmetic/beauty industry needed You have very good knowledge of Excel & strong Analytical skills Structured, systematic and organized Flexible and diligent Service minded with positive attitude engaging the others Good level of both English & French
Cpf final 4

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