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Creative Agency Traffic Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Creative Agency Traffic Manager chez Pernod Ricard

Creative Agency Traffic Manager

TheMix Paris is the In-House Creative Agency of Pernod Ricard.

As part of the Global Digital Marketing Department, TheMix Paris designs creative content for marketing teams and many other departments. TheMix Paris’s scope relates to Pernod Ricard France, including Ricard and No-Low & Co, Havana Club International, Martell Mumm Perrier-Jouët and Pernod Ricard HQ.

The Mix Paris is one of the 18 creative agencies of the group internationally.

The Creative Agency Traffic Manager organizes the bandwidths of the project management of our internal creative agency The Mix Paris. On each project, s/he needs to understand the stakes of the business need and brief, participate to a strategic recommendation and create the teams to achieve the project goals.

This role needs both strategic and creative vision by organizing external creative teams, finding new solutions to create content, keep constant agility and deliver strong client satisfaction.

In collaboration with the Creative Manager, s/he will manage the teams to find the best profiles, best solutions  and source teams and tools that improve the capabilities of TheMix Paris.

Reporting to the Head of TheMix Paris, s/he will give visibility on the workflow and continuously help develop the offer of internal creative agency.

The main responsibilities of the Creative Agency Traffic Manager will be to:


Participate to briefings and set up strategic recommendations

Define the best-matching profiles according to the brief and contact

Set up planning and manage the resources of the creative community. Ensure follow-up and respect of deadlines.

Control project budgets to ensure coherence and optimization

Together with the Creative Manager: validate the quality of in-house deliverables

Review work, troubleshoot and provide feedback to the creative teams


Develop PR brands and industry expertise among the freelancer community

Promote efficient content creation, proposing new tools and ways of working

Develop creativity within our scope of internal clients

Support content creation effectiveness, assessing impact and campaign results with the clients

Foster the reach and impact of TheMix Paris creations – submitting them to creative and marketing awards


Plan freelancers’ availabilities in order to optimize our team’s bandwidth

Verify project run and define the best practices to ensure internal client satisfaction

Ensure resources centralization leveraging tools and processes

Find new talents for new projects (Project managers, Strategic planners, Producers, Community Managers…)


Validate the costs of different profiles on a project basis.

Ensure Project Managers manage their budgets and that all projects are financially balanced

Make sure the Freelancer community is legally compliant in term of IP and contracts. Participate to the development of the tools and process ensuring/automating this.

If you recognize yourself in the description below, don’t wait to apply!

A bachelor’s master’s degree in Marketing management / Communication

5+ years of hands-on relevant experience in Project Management

Validated experience in marketing agency

Capacity to work cross-functionally and ability to navigate across affiliates with specificities and the agility to work with multi canal experts (on-line / off line / Trade / HQ)

Critical and analytical lens to marketing stakes for new briefings and campaign results analysis

Solid communication skills, with the ability and credibility to tailor communication and drive change whether to operational teams or heads of function

Resistance to stress and multitasking

Fluency (both written and spoken) in English. French language is a plus.

Wait, there’s more…

We offer you an outstanding workplace in central Paris (best view in town!) with the possibility to work from home (2 days a week), an attractive compensation and employee events. With us, you will create a solid, diversified and friendly professional network!

Pernod Ricard values diversity and solidarity within its organization and in its relations with stakeholders. Our recruitment methods focus on skills, and we welcome all types of talents.

Job Posting End Date:

Target Hire Date:


Target End Date:


Location: Paris

Type: Full time

Cpf final 4

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