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Contenu de l'offre Senior Business Analyst chez Pernod Ricard

Paris (75)

Within Pernod Ricard’s Headquarter Financial Team, the Group Business Analyst Team is in charge of monitoring Group performance by the follow-up of Group monthly reporting & Budget, the participation to key transversal projects in relation with other departments (and in particular Finance 4.0 roadmap), and a close follow-up of our affiliates performance around the world.
The Senior Business Analyst, part of this 7 people team, will have to organize his/her action around the main following missions:

Roles and responsibilities:

Mission 1 : Reporting tool and P&L accounting principles

Development and enrichment of reporting tool and P&L accounting principles

Enriches reporting guidelines Is a key person in charge of all HFM (PRISMA) / ESSBASE related issues : Implements new analysis / scenario within PRISMA and anticipate possible issues related to any change required (new product, new affiliate, change in currency) Takes part in the functional development of the information system used by Group Management Control, and in particular EPM and Dashboards implementation

Mission 2 : Consolidation, restitution and presentation to Top Management

Initiating and Monitoring the yearly Budget and Strategic Plan Review process,

Monitoring monthly activity via monthly reporting (P/L) and yearly/half year estimates

Ensures respect of procedures and Group accounting guidelines : respect of deadlines and formats, accuracy and consistency of financial information provided, IFRS implementation… Is responsible for consolidating data (reporting, budget, estimates…) Participates in the preparation of financial synthesis and presentations to Top Management (COMEX, Board, etc…) with accurate tables and lay out, in line with teams standards Helps General Management in monitoring Group organic growth through the review of Reporting, Estimates, Budget etc. with value-added analysis and appropriate comments

Mission 3 : Business Knowledge and assistance/support to affiliates

Affiliate business review and key contact person

Follow-up subsidiaries performance indicators on a monthly basis for P/L Support affiliates in the implementation of all optimization projects and changes in reporting (new appendix, new account, IFRS new norms etc…) Participating in the improvement of reporting comments quality in BIS (template, content, feedback to affiliates, etc…) Follow up of risks and opportunities Regular conference calls business reviews with affiliates

Mission 4: Transversal projects & ad’hoc analysis

Participation to transversal projects and preparation of ad’hoc analysis

Participate in a proactive way in Pernod Ricard’s Finance 4.0 digital strategy (dashboarding, EPM implementation, automation of the finance function, etc.) Leading Group projects from a financial standpoint. e.g. Innovation project, Luxury project, Datasharing (BIS), etc… Being proactive in terms of new analysis regarding the activity and the performance of Pernod Ricard and its subsidiaries Providing General Management and Board of Directors with ad’hoc and value added analysis by structuring and consolidating information to help them piloting Group’s performance and cash generation

Mission 5: External Communication

Assistance to financial communication team to prepare external communication

Taking part in the Financial Communication Data elaboration Preparing detailed qualitative and quantitative information (by brand and market) to support external messages and to help Top Management to answer questions APS - Analysis by geographical area: Building a P/L by region Analysis versus competitors Taking part in the annual report elaboration with together with consolidation team by having a value-added review

Scope and perimeter:

Number of person to supervise (direct / indirect) : 0 Perimeter of the job : international Professional relocation (% of time working) : Occasionally

Performance criteria :

Complete the missions described above with the soft skills required + specific objectives stated at the beginning of the year for each team member regarding transversal projects or specific tasks.

Skills required:

Technical skills Strong knowledge of accounting, finance, Basic knowledge of consolidation Strong knowledge and palatability for Excel, VBA and BI Tools Knowledge of PR Business Analysis technics and methods Knowledge of how PRISMA and ESSBASE systems work Knowledge of IFRS accounting principles

Soft Skills: Real interest in Business analyzing Transparency Sense of communication (with all levels of the hierarchy) and good relation capabilities to create a trustful climate with affiliates and HQ stakeholders, Rigor, “figures oriented analysis” capacity, accuracy sensitivity Reactivity, autonomy, proactivity Enthusiasm, team spirit, curiosity Diplomacy but capacity to stand up to his/her positions

Language required : English, French

Profile required :

Education required : Engineer's school/ Business school/ Equivalent University Degree Work experience required : 3 to 4 years as Business Controller in an FMCG company or as external auditor in a leading Audit Consulting Firm with assignments in major companies

Skills acquired in the previous professional experience: methodological tools and good technical bases (accounting, finance and consolidation), IT / excel skills

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Senior Business Analyst
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