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Senior Business Analyst - Ready To Drink Business

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Business Analyst - Ready To Drink Business chez Pernod Ricard

Senior Business Analyst - Ready To Drink Business

Context around the position:

The RTD category is growing exponentially with +20% CAGR expected in the next 5 years. Higher quality product propositions have improved the category image and accelerated growth of RTDs serving an unmet consumer need for convenient drinks. RTDs offer Pernod Ricard an opportunity to recruit new consumers and build loyalty to our spirits brands.

Pernod Ricard has set a significant ambition for spirit based RTDs & Convenience leveraging our spirits brands to offer premium RTD & Convenience propositions. Nine months ago, a Global RTD task force was kicked off to recommend a holistic Group ambition and capability roadmap how to achieve the ambition. To deliver the ambition, a Global RTD & Convenience Business Unit will be created, effective July 1st.

The purpose of the role is to enable the organization to accelerate the ambition defined by providing valuable data driven insights for decision making, resource optimization and initial business set up.

The main responsibilities are:

Enable PR to become a key player in the RTD through Business performance reporting and analysis

Build relevant reports to drive visibility on market dynamics, long term trends and RTD brands performance

Develop tools, processes, acquire data sources and set KPIs for key initiatives to enable growth and financial optimization.

Business Intelligence:  provide competitive review updates on regular basis

Lead analysis and review and validate business cases on new launches across the full portfolio

Support monitoring of the global performance KPIs including consumer, commercial and operations

Support preparation of Business Reviews with key stakeholders

Controlling & Reporting

Manage/provide instructions on the reporting of the business unit and the coordination with other entities/business partners of the scope including planning and follow up of deliveries

Reporting forecasts & R&Os  for Budget and Estimates (4 forecast per year)

Ensuring correct mapping of the flows and transactions

Ensure optimal resource allocation through RTD business unit Budget build up and tracking with Budget owners

Management of recharged costs (should there be any)

Statutory flows set up and follow up

Ensure financial flows are properly set up, including in the system

Key contributor in Project MUTOR related to set up of matrix organization

Operations Finance

Ensure follow up of the Operations KPIs including cogs and Capex tracking against the Business plan

KPIs tracking: Forecast accuracy, w/offs, …

Support in the co-packer contracts and provide an overview of full scope of Business flows for the global COE

The profile required is:

5+ years Finance experience: BP&A, Audit, …, strong finance knowledge, thoroughness and adaptability will be key.

Experience in:

Business Performance & Data analysis




Strong finance knowledge, thoroughness and adaptability will be key

Fluent English

Job Posting End Date:

Target Hire Date:


Target End Date:


Location: Paris

Type: Full time

Cpf final 4

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Senior Business Analyst - Ready To Drink Business
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