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Business Analyst - Strong test skills and Derivative knowledge

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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst - Strong test skills and Derivative knowledge chez PiC

Paris (75)

Our client in Paris is a leading Financial Services Organisation focused on trading. A need has arisen to build some business analysts into the team with good testing skills. To be able to do this you must have good Business Analysis skills with testing and use of JIRA and Quality Centre. As well as strong knowledge of complex financial instruments / Derivatives, awareness of the trade life cycle and understanding of Risk Systems.

Role description

You will work closely with IT Business Analysts, Developers, test and support teams.

You will be involved in functional analysis, document user requirement / key deliverables also developing test scenarios, specifying acceptance criteria and executing test cases as part of internal test phases.

Business analysis on projects, change initiatives, working on issues and solutions / potential benefits

Define business requirements, reporting back to stakeholder - running workshops, providing feedback to stakeholders that the delivered solution meets business needs

Ownership of the business requirement throughout the project lifecycle, collaborating with the test team to specify executable test cases and acceptance criteria.

Accurate recording and reporting of test results, clear audit trail and summary - in an understandable format for colleagues / management

Logging defects and identifying opportunity or improvements.

Skills required

Experience as both a Business Analyst and Tester, with strong manual execution experience. Stakeholder management skills, experience working globally. A background that demonstrates ease at working within a Business Analyst or Testing function, reflective of the changing needs of the organisation. Organise the execution of unit, integration and end-to-end functional tests as well as performance tests. Positive, detailed oriented approach to problem solving, particularly when analysing large volumes of numerical data. Experience with the use of test tools such as Quality Centre/JIRA Awareness of OTC derivative trade life-cycle and typical issues which will affect batch and intraday trade processing and risk systems. Proactive and clear communicator who will demonstrate initiative and challenge when opportunities for improvement are evident. Strong verbal and written English skills. Ideally French speaking too but not essential Strong awareness of control environment applicable for a financial services firm providing key market infrastructure.

The contract is 6 months, however there will be a need to work on various projects associated with the business for up to two years.

Please do apply if you fit all the key requirements and can work full time in Paris

Cpf final 4

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Business Analyst - Strong test skills and Derivative knowledge
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