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Business Analyst Intern (French speaking)

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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst Intern (French speaking) chez Picnic

Important note: Since we just started rolling out Picnic in France, we are currently working from one of our operational locations in Fretin (close to Lille). Until we have an office location in Paris, you can work remotely from Paris and join the team in Fretin for 2 or 3 days a week.Transport, accomodation and food will be taken care of!

Where you fit in

Picnic is evolving. We're a growing company constantly presented with new challenges. This creates a lot of room for inventive ideas. From perfecting our delivery routes, forecasting our growth or coming up with new strategies to reduce waste - there are great opportunities for unique projects. As one of our interns, you'll be part of a dedicated team and take ownership of your ideas.

From day one, you start coordinating a personal project. You develop the proposal and take complete ownership over an idea. It's important to us that you run the whole project from initiation to implementation. That means, the more time you have available, the more interesting projects you can take over!

What challenges await you

We expect interns to fit straight into a demanding atmosphere. You'll find yourself working alongside the founders, treated as a full-time employee, and receiving invaluable experience in a challenging environment. With your foot in the door, you can create a solid platform from which to embark on a career. As an intern at Picnic, your work will have a genuine impact on an evolving company.

Work alongside Analysts to solve operational challenges Develop a personal project and take ownership of ideas from the drawing board to implementation Evolve, develop, and challenge yourself in an evolving company


Pursuing a Master's degree in Econometrics, Mathematics, Engineering or Operations and Logistics related study Fluency in both English and French Mental Athleticism: Highly analytical and curious intellect Out-of-the-box Thinking and Initiative: Hands-on, nothing-is-impossible mindset Long-term Vision: Process-oriented and structured ideas Quick Learning: Intellectual horsepower to learn on the go Composure: Ability to work under pressure and meet daily deadlines At least 5 months (please note, that we can currently not accept requests for thesis internships)

Picnic perks

You will have the freedom to experiment and evolve your own projects as well as the chance to test them on real customers.

You will be part of an international, all-star team of ground-breaking entrepreneurs, brilliant engineers, and data wizards that work with desire and dedication each day!

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Business Analyst Intern (French speaking)
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