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Graduate Data Analyst (French speaking)

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Contenu de l'offre Graduate Data Analyst (French speaking) chez Picnic

Important note: Since we just started rolling out Picnic in France, we are currently working from one of our operational locations in Fretin (close to Lille). Until we have an office location in Paris, you can work remotely from Paris and join the team in Fretin for 2 or 3 days a week.,Transport, accomodation and food will be taken care of!

Where you fit in

Picnic is data-driven and complex – from pricing strategies, forecasting, warehouse automation, to the ever-expanding growth of our company, we are constantly faced with new challenges and opportunities…that's where you come in!

We are on the hunt for business analysts who present their understanding of what drives consumer behavior and operational efficiency. You'll glean actionable insights from large data sets - but your eyes won't be glued to data all day! You also offer entrepreneurial, realistic, and practical business opportunities.

Have a forward-thinking idea? Tell your team, modify it, evaluate, experiment, and then make a real impact in our company!

Your responsibilities

Drive implementation and improvement of projects from kick-off until the final whistle Design, implement and evaluate numerous experiments Optimize tools, systems and business processes Relentless focus on creating habit-forming product ideas

Who you are

You combine first-class analytical skills with a creative and problem-solving mindset. You don't only see numbers in data sets, but you see opportunities.

As an innovative thinker you constantly generate your own ideas. You're also ambitious – you come up with smart solutions, not easy ones.

Superior presentation and communication skills allow you to convert complexity into digestible information for your team. You are confident and take ownership of your projects, but also collaborate with and motivate your colleagues!


Master's degree in Engineering, Econometrics, Mathematics, Physics or an equivalent quantitative study 0-2 years of work experience Excellent Excel and data analysis skills Fluency in English and French Full-time availability Desirable requirement: knowledge of SQL, Tableau, and Python


Do you want to be part of the supermarket revolution? At Picnic you get the chance to join a young and forward-thinking startup culture, where everything you do matters. With a data-driven approach and an incredible service, Picnic strives to make grocery shopping simple, fun, and affordable for everyone. Known for our just-in-time supply-chain and a unique last-mile delivery strategy, we have become one of the fastest-growing companies of the Netherlands!

You will have the freedom to experiment and evolve your own projects as well as the chance to test them on real customers. We offer you training in both professional basics, such as 'presenting with confidence' and 'impactful feedback', and hard skill workshops, such as a SQL and Python training. .

You will be part of an international, all-star team of ground-breaking entrepreneurs, brilliant engineers, and data wizards that work with desire and dedication each day.

Want to get a better view of what working as an Analyst at Picnic is like? Then read the story of Matthijs Roobeek or former consultant Susan Lagerweij.

-Please submit your application in English-

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Graduate Data Analyst (French speaking)
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