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Growth Hacker & Acquisition Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Growth Hacker & Acquisition Manager chez Planet Expat

Company Info

Planet Expat provides career-boosting opportunities in some of the most innovative & dynamic companies in Latin America, Europe, the US and Asia.

We are currently hiring for the company below:

"We are a startup based in Paris, France focused on integrating social media interactions in real life. We have been operating since 2012, and we have developed a social media fan and follower counter that can be displayed in physical locations and it is updated in real time. We are a team of eight: three co-founders with business, design and engineering backgrounds; a sales team of two, a production designer and a marketing intern working from our office in Paris.

We have sold thousands of counters to clients located in over 55 countries worldwide. All these sales were made directly through their website, although we are starting to work with the retail sector to sell our counters among other office supplies. We recently closed a seed investment round and we were selected to participate at the top startup accelerator in France."


The company is looking for an experienced growth hacker and acquisition manager with excellent English skills to take a crucial role within marketing efforts. You will be in charge of managing direct sales and exploring new customer acquisition channels, both online and offline. You will be joining a young a dynamic team, working directly with the management team leading sales growth efforts.

Main responsibilities:

Set up the online marketing strategy: SEO/SEM, Growth Hacking, A/B Testing, Landing Pages, AdWords and Facebook ad Campaigns, etc. Implement and monitor the email marketing strategy Set up and manage the referral program Implement and monitor KPIs regarding online sales on daily basis Work closely with the marketing content team Propose and implement ideas for improvement Provide help with new product launches


Excellent English Strong knowledge about digital marketing Outstanding written and verbal communication skills Good interpersonal skills Data driven and result-oriented Strong willingness to learn about the latest trends in the digital marketing field Entrepreneurial-minded with a team player attitude
Cpf final 4

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Growth Hacker & Acquisition Manager
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