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Contenu de l'offre Data Analyst chez Procter & Gamble

Are you energized by solving tough business problems? Do you have passion to transform P&G's brand building while enabling better decision-making? If so, then the Data Analyst role is for you!

The Analytics & Insights career in P&G takes you across a breadth of experiences, on multiple P&G business, always with international perspective and at fast paced. It is a unique opportunity to develop both the ever-more demanded Data Science skillset and the strategic thinking needed to manage P&G business.

Your Responsibilities
Earn the role of "Trusted Advisor" to the Business Unit Leadership Team:

Deliver regular insights, by using advanced analytical techniques, mining extremely large data sets (the hyped Big Data) and applying best in-class algorithms, such as building models to propose possible scenarios and answer the leadership team's business questions.
Optimize algorithms in accuracy and performance to then recommend specific actions to your business partners.
Develop closed loop experimentation capabilities, to test and learn about key business questions.
Lead and improve the analytical program of your business unit.

Grow the organization's knowledge and skills in the field of Data & Analytics:

Operationalize best-in-class Data-science practice to all key models and algorithms.

What P&G can offer you

Responsibilities as of Day 1: you will feel the ownership of your work from the beginning, with real projects and responsibilities to lead
Continuous mentorship: you will work with passionate people and receive both formal training as well as day-to-day coaching from your manager
Dynamic and respectful work environment: Our employees are at the core of everything we do. We value every individual and encourage initiatives, promoting agility and work/life balance.

We are looking for MSc in a quantitative field (Engineering, Data Science, Statistics, Computer Science, Physical Sciences or Quantitative Social Sciences). Proficiency in French and English. Ability to multitask and have either an entrepreneur or consultancy mind-set, while technically (data) savvy. Mathematical Modelling and Operational Research basics. Statistics and Computer science basics. Strong analytical skills, using multiple data sources, with ability to query and analyze data. Experience from school/work that demonstrates strong leadership through envisioning, enrolling other and problem solving.

Additional preferred skills

Work experience or certification in SQL, Python and/or R. Work experience or certification in Data visualization tool such as PowerBi. Work experience or certification in Statistical Packages: Matlab, SPSS, SAS and/or JMP.

Just so you know
We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We do not discriminate against individuals on the basis of race, color, gender, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, citizenship, disability, HIV/AIDS status, or any other legally protected factor. Our people are all equally talented in unique ways: we come from diverse traditions, personal experiences and points of view. And we want to include yours. Are you ready to inspire us with your outstanding ideas?
We are looking for

MSc in a quantitative field (Engineering, Data Science, Statistics, Computer Science, Physical Sciences or Quantitative Social Sciences). Proficiency in French and English. Ability to multitask and have either an entrepreneur or consultancy mind-set, while technically (data) savvy. Mathematical Modelling and Operational Research basics. Statistics and Computer science basics. Strong analytical skills, using multiple data sources, with ability to query and analyze data. Experience from school/work that demonstrates strong leadership through envisioning, enrolling other and problem solving.

Additional preferred skills

Work experience or certification in SQL, Python and/or R. Work experience or certification in Data visualization tool such as PowerBi. Work experience or certification in Statistical Packages: Matlab, SPSS, SAS and/or JMP.

Just so you know
We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We do not discriminate against individuals on the basis of race, color, gender, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, citizenship, disability, HIV/AIDS status, or any other legally protected factor. Our people are all equally talented in unique ways: we come from diverse traditions, personal experiences and points of view. And we want to include yours. Are you ready to inspire us with your outstanding ideas?

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