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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst chez PUR Projet

Business Analyst

Based in Paris (11th)

Full time position, local contract

Start date: ASAP 2022


PUR Projet is a global leader in supply chain sustainability. We develop socio-environmental projects within the supply chains of our Corporate Partners. Through the economic and social empowerment of local communities and the introduction of sustainable development initiatives at the agricultural level, PUR Projet seeks to address climate change, while regenerating and preserving the ecosystems upon which these supply chains depend. Many of PUR Projet’s projects fall within the categories of insetting, regenerative agriculture, agroforestry, forest conservation and landscape restoration. PUR Projet is a B Corp Company which employs over 120 people and a presence in 10 countries.

PUR Projet is recruiting his/her Business Analyst. PUR Projet is looking for a Program Business Analyst to support the Controlling team in close collaboration with the” Program Team“ (commercial team).
In the context of a dynamic growth of the market, the Controlling Team is looking for someone to optimize and streamline commercial tools and processes (proposal template, budget process, dashboard, operational and financial reporting) among Program teams.

As part of the Controlling Team, you will report to the Controlling Manager and will be in close contact with Program Teams, Project
Teams, Finance, Marketing and Communication Teams at PUR Projet. Your key responsibilities will include but not be limited to :

Support the Program Team in the following areas :

Optimizing commercial tools and processes: build presentation templates, create tools such as follow up dashboards,
budget templates, reporting template for clients. This mission will first take place with the Cocoa Program Team as a
pilot before expanding to other Program Teams.

Data analysis: gather, control and analyze field data in direct interaction with Project Teams that will be used in the reports.

Support Program team in day to day program management: monitor budget, prepare financial report on activities.

Support the Controlling Manager in various projects including :

Pricing tools and guidelines continuous design and development.

Building activity reports, analyses and forecasts at the Group level.

You have demonstrated excellent analytical skills, with good comprehension of the business, you are an efficient multi-tasker,
you’re autonomous, interested in interfacing with different teams in a dynamic environment, This position is for you !

We are looking for a candidate with:

Master Degree in Business/Engineering. Successful 1 to 2 years work experience in consulting/audit/financial or management control. Any experience related to corporate social responsibility will be seen as an asset. Excellent use of Microsoft Excel and Powerpoint. Professional fluency in English and French. Spanish is a plus ! Strong desire to have an environmental and social impact. Rigorous, adaptive, solution-driven, ability to cope with different teams.

How to apply?

Send your CV and a cover letter to request an interview by applying. The final stages of the recruitment process will be a case study with the manager, a short interview with the director and a reference check.

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