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Contenu de l'offre Senior Business Analyst chez Quoine

QUOINE is looking for candidates with a strong background in Business Analysis who is capable of communicating clearly with a wide variety of program and project stakeholders. The candidate should have a strong track record of career progression and be able to demonstrate a long-term interest in the Business Analysis discipline.

The Business Analyst (BA) will work on Quoine initiatives and will be responsible for delivering high value Business Analysis services. Quoine programs are fast paced, high profile and dynamic. The BA will work with Product and Senior Leadership within the QUOINE organization, supporting decision making with high quality functional and/or technical specifications. The BA will have a passion for the value that a BA can bring to an organization and be able to articulate and demonstrate this.

Key Responsibilities

Successful candidates will be responsible (dependent on experience) for the following:

Determine operational objectives by studying business functions; gathering information; evaluating output requirements and formats. Construct workflow charts and diagrams; studying system capabilities; writing specifications. Improve systems by studying current practices; designing modifications. Recommend controls by identifying problems; writing improved procedures. Define project requirements by identifying project milestones, phases and elements; forming project team; establishing project budget Monitor project progress by tracking activity; resolving problems; publishing progress reports; recommending actions. Maintain user confidence and protect operations by keeping information confidential. Prepare technical reports by collecting, analyzing and summarizing information and trends. Contribute to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed. Validate resource requirements and develop cost estimate models. Conduct and coordinate financial, product, market, operational and related research to support strategic and business planning within the various departments and programs of the client group. Interpret, evaluate and interrelate research data and develop integrated business analyses and projections for incorporation into strategic decision-making. Plan and coordinate the development of primary and secondary market research studies in support of strategic planning and specific marketing initiatives, as required and presents findings of studies to senior management. Perform daily, weekly and monthly reviews and analyses of current processes using operational metrics and reports. Review a variety of areas including operations, purchasing, inventory, distribution and facilities. Understand and communicate the financial and operational impact of any changes. Suggest changes to senior management using analytics to support your recommendations. Actively participate in the implementation of approved changes. Create informative, actionable and repeatable reporting that highlights relevant business trends and opportunities for improvement. Conduct insightful, ad hoc analyses to investigate ongoing or one-time operational issues. Required Professional Skills

Excellent communication skills – including verbal, written and presenting to a group. Detail oriented, analytical and inquisitive Ability to impact operations and effect change without being confrontational. Ability to work independently and with others. Numerate with strong problem-solving and analytical skills. Stakeholder management skills including facilitation & negotiation. Track record of rapidly building personal credibility and trust in new environments. Demonstrable ability to define and build structure in fast paced environments. Proven training and coaching abilities. Mobility - your base location will be HCMC, Vietnam, although some of our staff will be expected to travel within the ASEAN region. Therefore you must be willing to work away from home as reasonably required. Required BA Skills

Agile/Scrum delivery methodology. A minimum of 5 years' experience in business analysis. Exceptional analytical and conceptual thinking skills. The ability to influence stakeholders and work closely with them to determine acceptable solutions. Advanced technical skills. Excellent documentation skills. Fundamental analytical and conceptual thinking/critical thinking skills. Experience creating detailed reports and giving presentations. Competency in Atlassian (Jira & Confluence) and Microsoft applications. A track record of following through on commitments. Excellent planning, organizational, and time management skills. Experience leading and developing top performing teams. A history of leading and supporting successful projects. Software Design, Relational Database experience preferred. Process Improvement and knowledge in generating process documentation About QUOINE

We are a leading fintech company that provides trading, exchange, and next generation financial services powered by blockchain technology. We believe cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology will shape the future of financial services. We are a FinTech company at heart, focused on making financial services accessible to all. We are now building QUOINE LIQUID, a global liquidity platform backed by our QASH token. Our company is headquartered in Japan with offices in Singapore, Vietnam and the Philippines.

More information about us can be found here.

About Quoine ( )

Liquid Platform ( )

Our CEO Mike on the future of finance ( )

Meet the team in ( ) Tokyo ( )

Meet the team in Ho Chi Minh City ( )

And here is what we are building!

What is Liquid? ( )

How advanced is the WorldBook? ( )

The QASH Blockchain ( )

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Senior Business Analyst
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