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Talent Acquisition Manager France

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Contenu de l'offre Talent Acquisition Manager France chez Richemont

Reference Code: 67803

Talent Acquisition Manager France

Richemont Paris, 75, FR Permanent

Richemont owns some of the world’s leading luxury goods Maisons, with particular strengths in jewellery, fine watches and premium accessories. Each Maison represents a proud tradition of style, quality and craftsmanship and Richemont seeks to preserve the heritage and identity of each of its Maisons. At the same time, we are committed to innovation and designing new products which are in keeping with our Maisons’ values, through a process of continuous creativity.

As our TA Manager for France, you have the opportunity to be more than your job title and to craft the future of luxury, with every hire.


Our Talent Acquisition professionals are the ambassadors of change and define the future of our organisation, and the luxury industry. You will make an impact by aligning the Talent Acquisition efforts in the French market, bringing together everyone involved in recruitment to drive success in capturing the best talent. As a part of our Talent Acquisition community, you too will have a chance to make a significant impact, not only on the European region, but also globally. We will rely on you to co-drive our One Team spirit, and help elevate the skills of our Talent Acquisition “detectives” to go far past the “only CV” assessment method (and uncover true potential).

Responsible for higher level recruitment for the French market, you will also “craft the future of luxury” with us, a future of luxury that is more inclusive and pushes the boundaries of what luxury is (and can become)!


Your success lies in ensuring you are the standard of excellence for our community, upholding the highest quality of candidate experience, hires and collaboration. As a keen talent detective, no method of headhunting is foreign to you as you have a curiosity to keep up with new methods and technical advancements in the field of Talent Acquisition.

As our Talent Acquisition Manager France, you are also leading our Employer Branding efforts across your market, managing our rating on Glassdoor / Universum & our engagement score LinkedIn and are responsible for Campus management, ensuring a strong collaboration with top business schools, VIE and promoting our young talent apprenticeship programme.

Leading by example is key, you uphold the One Team spirit which ensures collaboration regionally and globally (working closely with our Group Talent team). Your leadership style is people and development focused, ensuring the success of our Talent Acquisition community and giving them the right tools for success. Together with our Talent Acquisition Manager Europe, you will drive the future of recruitment of Richemont and be a key player in ensuring we continually develop our approach, integrate DEI and bias-free methods, and provide excellence of service to our hiring managers & candidates.


Permanent contract 25 days of holidays + RRT days Bonus entitlement Profit sharing entitlement Internal mobility opportunities Work from home policy Employee discount and additional benefits to keep you smiling The opportunity to work with different Maisons and stakeholders, in a truly international environment


Initially, when your application is selected, you will receive an introduction call to explain the main points in terms of this position, and to have a chance to showcase your motivation. You might be asked to complete a business case, and an assessment. We will inform you appropriately so you have a chance to prepare and be successful. If successful, you will have the next step with our Hiring Manager and a discussion with our Talent Acquisition Manager Europe. We will always give you chances to add anything to your application in terms of video, message, additional information or any remaining questions before making the final decision (which will be based on your overall performance during the process) As a final step, hopefully we can deliver some good news and greet you as our new colleague!

#Richemont #Revealtheexceptional


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