Offres d'emplois Web Marketing & e-business

CDI - Master Data Analyst and Product Owner W/M - AMER SPORTS GLOBAL OPERATIONS

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Contenu de l'offre CDI - Master Data Analyst and Product Owner W/M - AMER SPORTS GLOBAL OPERATIONS chez Salomon

Job Description

We are looking for a Master Data Analyst and Product Owner M/W to perform the master data analysis for product data in and End-2-End product life cycle approach and manage projects as the Product Owner using the agile methodology to deliver maximum business value.

Your main responsibilities are :

Define and harmonize products data for all the Amer Group brands in order to maintain a global and coherent view Guarantee the data coherence between the different companies Manage flows from product creation tools and until the SAP integration and omni channel system Manage demands and evolutions as regards master data Lead projects as a Product Owner and work closely with key stakeholders to analyse and prioritize their business needs, and propose solutions following the agile methodology Write User Stories and test scenarios, work with PLASMA developers business to implement them Supervise the project’s progress and respect the budget Closely monitor the Support on recurring business issues Give trainings and provide user documentation

Needed work experience: Minimum 3 years’ experience with SAP module MM

Education: 5 year degree course

Foreign languages: Fluent written and spoken communication skills in English.


PLM tool knowledge and reporting tool knowledge

Knowledge PLM tools and master data

Knowledge of product processes

Business and commercial acumen

Consumer & customer insight

Agile Methodology

Ability to analyze complex situations

Computer skills: Command of Pack office. Strong knowledge of SAP and SAP MM required, Experience with the other SAP modules (SD, FICO, WM...) Specific transversal skills : ability to understand complex processes, initiative. Talent for analyzing and summarizing. Creativity and Innovation. Capacity to work in a multi-cultural environment. Strong communication skills, including trainings. Ability to lead the changes
Additional Information

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CDI - Master Data Analyst and Product Owner W/M - AMER SPORTS GLOBAL OPERATIONS
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