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Contenu de l'offre CHC Web Analyst M/F chez Sanofi

"Job content, description is written in English because it will be the language of work on a daily basis."

« Contenu du poste, la description est rédigée en anglais car ce sera la langue de travail au quotidien. »

The CHC Web Analyst (Customer Healthcare) will work within the Web Analytics Scrum Team to deliver both technical and business solutions related to the end-to-end web analytics process. Web Analysts will work closely with the product owner and the business to implement and configure Web Products across Sanofi owned websites with an emphasis on CHC. This includes Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, 3rdParty Marketing Pixels, and Business Facing Insights/Analytics dashboards. The Web Analytics Data Analyst will play a key role in collecting and interpreting campaign goals and KPIs across Customer Healthcare and seeing specific and unique business use-cases end-to-end.

Key Responsibilities Include:
Implementation of Web Analytics Products: Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, 3rd Party Marketing Pixels

Assist in the development of dashboards and ad hoc reports based on business needs.

Work cross-functionally with digital and marketing teams to deliver data and insights for pointed use-cases

Collect business requirements and make recommendations for web data product improvements both globally and on a CHC / Website level

Identify bugs and assist in the debugging process to ensure accurate and consistent data

Act as first-point of contact for general web analytics data queries originating from the CHC GBU.

Monitor dashboards and identify opportunities for web product and marketing optimization (channel / campaign performance).

2+ Years experience in Web Analytics / Digital Analytics

Bachelors Degree in Marketing, Digital Analytics, Computer Science, Business, Economics, Statistics, or related fields

Working Knowledge of scripting languages including: SQL, Javascript, CSS, Python

Provable experience with Visualization Tools such as Power BI and/or Data Studio

Prior experience in Pharma Digital Analytics

Skills and Competencies

Google Tag Manager

Google Analytics




Agile Practices

SQL / Big Query

Vis. Tech (Data Studio, cliqSense, Tableau, etc)

At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.

As part of its diversity commitment, Sanofi is welcoming and integrating people with disabilities.
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CHC Web Analyst M/F
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