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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst chez Sartorius Stedim Biotech

Reporting to the Head of Product Management FMT, you manage the company's activity from the study of quantified data. You define analysis and decision support tools, deliver strategic data analysis and make recommendations.
Reporting to the Head of Product Management FMT, you manage the company's activity from the study of quantified data. You define analysis and decision support tools, deliver strategic data analysis and make recommendations.

Main Responsibilities & Tasks:

Define, in connection with the Product Management, the KPI to measure the achievement of business objectives, Analyze databases (calculation of activity performance / study of turnover by customers, by products, by geographic areas, by channels), Develop activity reports and recommendations for the departments (price, sales strategy and loyalty), Measure the return on investment (ROI) from a commercial and financial perspective, Ensure compliance with the margins linked to the pricing policy, build pricing for all product developments and new projects, Contribute to quantitative and / or qualitative investigations to better understand customer expectations in a given segment, Lead activities and develop inside, lead work with improvements,
Qualifications & Skills:

Engineering degree or Master degree (specialization in statistics, database processing, marketing, etc.) Minimum 5 years of experience in a same position Excellent team work skills and proven ability to also work with cross-functional teams Project management experience is required Excellent written and verbal communication skills Strong experience in SAP and Office Fluent in English

We look for employees who would like to grow with us and move the innovative life sciences sector forward. In the process, we focus on agile project work, mutual support within teams and working as equals. Sartorius thrives as a company with people who give their very best every day and who are eager to develop personally and professionally.

Further insights into our world of work can be found here.

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Business Analyst
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