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Configure Price Quote Business Analyst (CDI) H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Configure Price Quote Business Analyst (CDI) H/F chez Schneider Electric

Join Schneider Electric and power your career!

Discover the opportunity to join an international, dynamic, and responsible company that fosters the development of all its people around the world. Every day, we empower employees to achieve more and experience exciting careers. Find out how our values and unique position make Schneider Electric the employer of choice.

Schneider Electric is recruiting for an Oracle CPQ Cloud Business Analyst to be part of its Quotation CPQ program within the Schneider Digital Sales and Supports Practices Organization.

Within the Quotation CPQ IT domain and program team, you are gathering and evaluating the business requirements for the Oracle CPQ Cloud platform.

Your project is part of the large scale Front Office growth and business transformation. Your responsibilities are to: Maintain relationships and project activities with business stakeholders and key users, as well as understand the business requirement Lead cross functional process discussions, assist users to negotiate appropriate process hand off points, and document “as is” as well as “to be” processes Evaluate information gathered, making the complex simple, and deliver an answer that drives to best practice and solution scalability Document functional requirements in the area of quote creation, configuration, discount management and presentment for use by technical resources Collaborate with external IT partners and internal development teams in multiple countries Identify and participate in managing the scope, risks and issues for the project


University or Engineering degree , prefera bly in a technical discipline with business management. Proven successful experience with business requirements in complex international environments, 5 years experience as a minimum. In-depth knowledge of front office products including, Oracle CPQ Cloud (BigMachines) or equivalent, ERP platforms (mainly SAP and supporting and delivering sales configuration and contract management solutions. Experience in pricing management across hardware, software, and service business model, supporting and delivering sales configuration and contract management solutions. Strong analytical skills and demonstrated business judgment. S trong interpersonal skills, with ability to communicate and convince at various levels of the organization Excellent verbal, written, and presentation skills Fluent English & French.

Primary Location



: Full-time

Unposting Date

: Ongoing
Cpf final 4

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Configure Price Quote Business Analyst (CDI) H/F
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