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Contenu de l'offre Data Analyst chez Sendinblue

Sendinblue is the European leader in digital marketing software. We are a complete Sales & Marketing toolbox: email, SMS, Facebook ads, chat, CRM, and more in one single SaaS platform. Our mission is to empower all companies with the tools they need to build stronger customer relationships and grow their business through meaningful interactions.
We have a team of 400 employees representing over 40 nationalities spread across five offices located in Paris, Berlin, Delhi, Seattle and Toronto.
We’re looking for a Data Analyst, who will contribute to produce analysis, metrics, and reports to maximize the impact of the finance team.


Translate complex financial problem statements into analysis requirements Centralize Data & BI needs, define analytical approach and construct use cases connecting data from several different teams (Finance, Marketing, Product & Tech) Create a roadmap of the company’s finances databases : Identification of use cases / Analysis of functional needs / Modelisation assistance / Delivery monitoring for BI development Build knowledge on data and metrics of the business for providing the big picture on the platform and how it translates into financial metrics : ModeBuild knowledge on data and metrics of the business for providing the big picture on the platform and how it ling of our payment failures to reduce their associated costs and thus increase the turnover / Creation of innovative models to detect merchants & customers at risk / Creation of financial reporting such as the profitability of our new services, the customer's lifetime value, the performance of our different markets / Performing exploratory analyzes to respond to new identified issues Purpose recommendations to the other departments on their needs and their operational finance issues Implementation of new processes to integrate new customers et suppliers in our financial monitoring


Masters degree in Business Administration, Finance, Computer Science, Statistics, Applied Math, Engineering, Economics At least 3+ years experience on similar position Advanced knowledge with analysis programming languages and statistical software such as SQL, Redshift, Qlikview, Tableau, Excel, Dataiku Effective communication with both business and technical teams Ability to defined business questions and translate them into clearly defined technical/data specifications Excellent English and experience in a multicultural environment - another language will be appreciated such as French


Great compensation package Good work-life balance, occasional work from home, RTT Tangible career development possibilities as we grow strong Meal vouchers - LunchR (8,5 € per day) + canteen Excellent private health care covered by 70% by the company 50% Reimbursement of Navigo OR bicycle mileage reimbursement Paternity leave/second parent leave: 1 month of leave fully paid Annual company offsite & inter-office trip English & French class Free fruit & snacks, tea & coffee More than 100 activities you can do at work via our partner Yuco

Meet us !

Phone interview with our HR Team A first interview with our Finance Team (Finance Manager & CFO) A second interview with our Data Team A last interview with our CEO Sendinblue puts diversity and inclusion at the heart of its values. We examine all applications (including those from people with disabilities) with treatment based on equal skills and applying the principles of non-discrimination.
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