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CDI - RGM Analyst Pricing & Discount (F/H)

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Contenu de l'offre CDI - RGM Analyst Pricing & Discount (F/H) chez Sephora

CDI - RGM Analyst Pricing & Discount (F/H)

At Sephora, we reimagine beauty, discover new brands, and influence positive change every day. Get ready to think creatively, work strategically, and make your mark at a leading global retailer. Together, we’re evolving, innovating, and reimagining the future of beauty and retail.

The RGM Business analyst is in charge of realisation and coordination of transversal business analysi/reportings for Offer teams. They will help with the analysis and operational action plans of RGM levers : pricing and discount.

You will excel and enjoy this position if you are ready to actively handle the following missions:

Production of strategic business analysis on a weekly, monthly, yearly basis, cross categories or focus on one, overall or specific for a brand, for the overall zone but also specific for each country
Preparation of internal strategic meetings, for CODIR and COMEX
Development of recommendations and concrete action plans on pricing and discount. Management of the ad-hoc performance of those actions taken / their ROI
Price positioning strategy vs the competition
Coordination of the analysis of supplier price increases
Price positioning of new brands within the ecosystem
Customer studies to measure price sensitivity/elasticity
Coordination of discount strategic topics (Black Friday)
Discount strategy on the web
Management of the impact of price/discount on the margin 

Do not hesitate to apply if you have… or if you are …

Engineering or Business school education
Just finished your degree or 1 / 2 years of experience in a business analyst role
Having internship experience in a business analyst role is a plus
Ability to lead multiple projects and manage priorities independently
Very good analytical skills AND ability to transform a numerical analysis into a synthesis
Ability to coordinate / animate several businesses (Offer, CRM / Marketing, Finance, IT / Digital) and several countries around common subjects

During your experience at Sephora, you will appreciate...


Surrounded by passionate, enthusiastic, and creative talents.

You will be part of disruptive teams with whom you will be proud to collaborate.

"Developing yourself”

We invest in training and monitoring our employees and we support them throughout their career at Sephora.

This means you can learn and grow continuously in a stimulating environment.

"Our culture”

As a global leader in beauty and supported by the luxury brand LVMH, we always have something to explore. It's in our DNA to innovate, experiment and have a colorful and disruptive vision. And it is this daring attitude that expresses our difference and our passion.

So you can unleash and express your creativity. Our talents make the difference!

Our common goal is reinventing the future of beauty.

SEPHORA recruits and recognizes all talents

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CDI - RGM Analyst Pricing & Discount (F/H)
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