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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst chez SGS & CO

Business Analyst

SGS & Co is a global brand impact group delivering speed and quality through innovation and insights to drive impact for our world class clients. We combine deep expertise in design, graphic services, production, technology, and process optimization with unmatched marketplace understanding, dynamic ideas, and client first customer service. We bring the world’s best brands to life and set them up for success in a modern world.

As a Business Analyst at SGS&CO, you will be a key player in the SaaS implementations team, helping to design and build software used by some of our most prestigious clients every day.

About the role:

You will work in a modern, supportive, valued, and agile software development environment, managing a portfolio of clients, working with them to gather requirements, conduct workshops, solve problems and match customer needs to system capabilities.

In addition, you will manage system configuration, testing and implementation of the chosen options, and will also have involvement in ongoing system evolution - adding new capabilities according to evolving client need.

You will also have opportunity to lead projects of a technical nature such as API/System integrations between customer systems and SGS&Co client-facing technology products, using integration-platform-as-a-service (iPaaS) tools and scoping requirements for custom development where needed.

This role represents an opportunity for an individual looking to further their BA exposure in a role that is global in scope, whilst offering the opportunity to consult with product managers, developers and external clients on a new product within a large, tech-focused business.

About you:

You will have prior experience liaising with external clients in a technology environment in a Business Analyst, Project- or Implementation Manager context, ideally with a background in deploying configurable Software-As-A-Service (SaaS) products.

In addition, you will be a great communicator and problem solver who is passionate about technology and able to work independently, liaising with internal and external teams to achieve optimal results. You will be able to manage varied responsibilities, from requirements analysis and system configuration to project management and training delivery

About the product:

Mediabox is a web-based workflow management solution, owned and developed by SGS&Co, which helps major brand owners to develop and approve their content, from the physical to the digital shelf. The Mediabox modules allow us to involve the right stakeholders at the right stage and get things approved right on time and with confidence. Take a look at our website:


Meal voucher (ticket restaurant): value 9,20 Euros per day

Transport pass - season ticket is reimbursed (50%)

Annual Leave: 25 days.

Reduction of working time (RTT): 12 days in total - where applicable.

Exceptional leave - for instance wedding - 4 days

Private health insurance


France: Paris / Remote

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Business Analyst
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