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Contenu de l'offre SEO Manager chez Singulart

Paris (75)

( SINGULART was launched in August 2017 after a first-seed fundraising round of € 1.1 million and 1.5 million € in January 2019, armed with a mission to empower artists and break national boundaries across the art market. Our day-to-day work consists of the promotion of talented artists from various countries (120 nationalities so far), to help them sell their works to international collectors.

Located in the center of Paris, our team is made up of professionals experienced in digital startups

As a flourishing start up, our business is increasing every month and therefore our team is growing very fast! We have just raised another 10 millions€ in March 2020 to continue our fast-paced international growth.

After only 3 years, we already achieved to be the European leading online art gallery and are aiming the global #1 position by 2022. Exciting times!

Job description

Part of a great webmarketing team, your main responsibility is to increase sales on through SEO. Your tasks will include:

Develop and execute successful SEO strategies Conduct keyword research to guide content teams Review technical SEO issues and recommend fixes Collect data and report on traffic, rankings and other SEO aspects Keep abreast of SEO and integrated marketing trends Optimize website content, landing pages and paid search copy Participate in various other marketing and company projects, we are a startup!

Preferred experience

Your mission at Singulart ?

Proven experience as SEO Manager, SEM Manager or similar role Knowledge of standard and current SEO practices Experience with SEO reporting Excellent communication skills in English Analytical mindset with numerical aptitude

Recruitment process

phone exchange written case 2 to 3 physical interviews in our Paris offices

Meet the Singulart team


SEO Manager

Permanent contract Starting date: March 7, 2020 Paris Master's Degree > 2 years

Cpf final 4

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SEO Manager
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