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Contenu de l'offre MARKET AND PRICING ANALYST chez SOS Intérim

SOS Intérim, experts en Richesses Humaines depuis 1967.

Description de l'offre

Pro-RH recruiting for Linxens global leading technology company. We are looking for a MARKET & PRICING ANALYST (F/H) to support the market trend analysis & our consumer preferences in order to help our company and our customers to decide how to shape, advertise, and market their products and services. The person will also be in charge of analyzing our competitor pricing, preparing market share and revenue forecasts. She/He will work with different functions (Purchasing, Project Management,...) in order to design with the VP Marketing the best Pricing Strategy.Mission : - Market Analysis: - Capture market trends, requirements, pain points, potentials for growth- Analyze market research in link with Linxens interactions for each segment strategies- Consolidate valid and reliable market research SWOT analysis- Utilize online market research and catalog findings or design specific research methods for collecting data (Surveys, Questionnaires, Opinion experts)- Interpret data, formulate reports and make recommendations.- Create visual of industry and competitors trends so our organization can predict how products and services will fare in the marketplace.- Remain fully informed on market trends, other parties researches and implement best practices- Pricing: .- Coordinate with other functions ( Purchasing, PPM, Marketing, ...) in order to collect clean, validated pricing data and enable efficiency- Provide to stakeholders insight analysis of our competitor pricing and market trends for increase market share and profitability performance.- Tracking customer engagement to develop effective pricing strategies for products and offers.- Applying statistical modeling methods and dynamic pricing tools to determine potential impact of pricing strategies on profitability and effective respond to changing market needs and trends.- Forecasting revenue and market share based on market trends, production costs, profit margins, and sales volumes.- Support the implementation of a competitive pricing strategy.Specific knowledge :- Ability to use insights about trends, key issues and external factors that impact our industry- Experience using Market Data inventory systems

Profil recherché
required profile :Graduate of a Bac + 5 commerce, marketing, finance, you justify an experience on a similar job in an industrial environment- Fluent English (any Linxens local language is a plus)- Microsoft Office package, Strong MS Excel skills is preferred- Experience in working closely with Senior stakeholders- Collaborative team player with the ability to work independently- Effective written and verbal communication with internal and external stakeholders- An entrepreneurial and creative mind-set
Cpf final 4

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