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Digital Analyst - Chemical & Monitoring Solutions, Europe Middle East & Africa

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Contenu de l'offre Digital Analyst - Chemical & Monitoring Solutions, Europe Middle East & Africa chez Suez Water Technologies

Digital Analyst - Chemical & Monitoring Solutions, Europe Middle East & Africa

What will you be doing? 

The Digital Analyst will work closely with the Chemical & Monitoring Solutions (CMS) Europe Middle East & Africa (EMEA) PSI leader to collect, generate and analyze data of key trends and interdependencies between operational metrics. They will analyze, develop and execute network optimization opportunities and projects across the region to deliver process improvements/efficiencies in partnership with commercial and operational functions.  

The Digital Analyst will also drive initiatives to align, coordinate and balance inventory and fulfilment activities for the CMS business within EMEA. The role will work closely with the Commercial teams to understand future demand and align the regional Supply Chain to fulfill that demand.  

The Global Supply Chain for Water Technologies & Solutions is comprised of 49 manufacturing and service center locations across 5 continents.  It is responsible for the sourcing, manufacture, and delivery for Specialty Chemicals, Filters, Membranes, Standard and Custom Water Treatment and Monitoring Equipment and Services relating to Mobile Water Treatment.  

Focusing on the CMS EMEA Business, this role will work closely with Commercial, Execution and Supply Chain teams to align Production and Procurement activities with overall business goals. This graduate position is a great fit for an ambitious, creative, curious team player with great communication skills and attention to detail. We expect candidates to have an academic background in an engineering discipline, ideally with some knowledge of industrial engineering or operations management. The successful candidate will learn about SUEZ water treatment technologies and a variety of water treatment topics as part of their time with the team, every day.


•    Develop and implement data analysis, data collection systems and other strategies that optimize statistical efficiency and quality across the CMS Fulfilment network;

•    Data analytics and data relationship problem solving;

•    Develop processes, metrics and cross-functional operating rhythms to drive data clarity, and accuracy;

•    Create and maintain rich interactive visualizations through data interpretation and analysis integrating various reporting components from multiple data sources;

•    Work cross functionally with product management, business leaders, supply chain, and commercial teams to increase cash position through raw material and finish goods inventory optimization. 

Essential Qualifications & Skills: 

•           A B.Sc. or higher degree in Engineering or Applied Science, preferably with an Industrial Engineering or Operations Management background.

•           Fluency in English, both verbal and written

•           Proficiency in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint 

Desired Skills & Abilities:

·    Good interpersonal, negotiation, and leadership skills

·    Proven planning, analytical and critical thinking skills  

·    Ability to work well in a fast-paced and stimulating environment

·    Result oriented mindset

·    Ability to develop creative solutions to complex problems through data gathering and evaluation

·    Prior supply chain operations and manufacturing experience 

·    Experience with Tableau Software and Python Programing would be advantage*

About Us:

Join the Resource Revolution!  SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions looks for innovation everywhere. For more than 100 years, SUEZ has been at the forefront of innovation, from the SUEZ Canal to addressing water scarcity.  Finding solutions to the world's biggest problems has never been more important than right now. Join us today and become an essential part of the Resource Revolution!

SUEZ’s Water Technologies and Solutions (SWTS) offers a great work environment, professional development, challenging careers, and competitive compensation.  SWTS is an Equal Opportunity Employer.  Employment decisions are made without regard to race, colour, religion, national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, protected veteran status or other characteristics protected by law.

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Digital Analyst - Chemical & Monitoring Solutions, Europe Middle East & Africa
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