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Contenu de l'offre Traffic Manager chez SumUp

In SumUp POS, we are creating the world's most complete Point of Sale, for all merchants in all businesses. We take care of the details so that merchants can focus on what they do best. We help merchants better connect to their business, to their customers and to each other.

SumUp POS offers more than a cash register, it offers an innovative ecosystem where our POS Tribe of over 200 people in Paris, Milan, Barcelona, Germany and the UK are working hard to go as far as possible and become the European leader in our market.


Optimize our paid acquisition strategy (ROI, budget calculation, volume & quality performances follow up) PPC : Campaign management (Brand, Non Brand, Competitors) on Adwords/Bing Social media Advertising : Campaign management (Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads) Develop new paid acquisition channels with a global and local impact Track, create & analyze reports to follow and improve the campaigns Develop A/B testing strategies (images, text, landing pages…) You will work closely with our international offices in Spain, Italy & Switzerland (and more to come!) and runs their campaigns from our HQ in Paris


You are comfortable with numbers and excel spreadsheets, ROI will be your only goal, You have an advanced knowledge of Google Adwords and Facebook Ads Manager, You will be able to keep up to date with new developments and growth/marketing news, You speak and write English fluently (knowledge of Italian/Spanish is a plus), You have at least one significant experience in a startup or in an agency, You are familiar with marketing tools (Adwords, Facebook Ads, Hubspot, SemRush, GTM, Google Analytics, Wordpress etc.), You have a good sense of repartee and you know your subject inside out,

Why you should join SumUp

We're a truly global team of 200+ people from 5+ countries. Have full autonomy (for real!) to propose, lead and implement changes that will up our game. You will have the freedom to drive your career, own projects and make an impact across the company. An amazing team and work environment that works with passion and purpose to achieve incredible results. We get together regularly for breakfasts, team events, office parties and sports.

About SumUp

We believe in the everyday hero.

Small business owners are at the heart of all we do, so we're creating tools that help them run their businesses. With a founders mentality and a 'team-first' attitude, our diverse teams across Europe, South America and the United States work together to ensure that the small business owners we partner with can be successful doing what they love.

SumUp is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer that proudly pursues and hires a diverse workforce. SumUp does not make hiring or employment decisions on the basis of race, colour, religion or religious belief, ethnic or national origin, nationality, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, age or any other basis protected by applicable laws or prohibited by company policy. SumUp also strives for a healthy and safe workplace and strictly prohibits harassment of any kind.


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