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Business Data Analyst - 6 months fixed term contract (h/f)

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Contenu de l'offre Business Data Analyst - 6 months fixed term contract (h/f) chez Syngenta

Syngenta is a leading science-based agritech company; dedicated to bringing plant potential to life. Each of our 28,000 employees in more than 90 countries work together to solve one of humanity’s most pressing challenges: growing more food with fewer resources. A diverse workforce and an inclusive workplace environment are enablers of our ambition to be the most collaborative and trusted team in agriculture.

Our employees reflect the diversity of our customers, the markets where we operate and the communities which we serve. No matter what your position, you will have a vital role in safely feeding the world and taking care of our planet. Join us and help shape the future of agriculture.

We are currently seeking for an EAME Business Data Analyst, for a 6 months fixed term contract. The position could be located anywhere in Europe.

The EAME Business Analyst role acts as the link between our information technology capacity and our business objectives.

He/she needs to facilitate business decisions through real-time data analysis and visualizations techniques, unleashing the power of accessing and interconnecting all Syngenta data sources.

Responsibilities: Analyse the customer’s (internal) business requirements and processes and ultimately translating them into a dashboard to show the KPI’s that would be required to successfully manage the business based on the user requirements. Participate in process harmonization projects to ensure the alignment across the different geographies to optimize standardized reporting in the dashboards. Own and develop relationship with stakeholders , working with them to optimize and enhance the stakeholders QlikSense dashboard user experience Help design, document and maintain business processes. Report on technical issues or questions and make recommendations and collaborate with IT team to implement sustainable solutions. Communicate key insights and findings to the IT team. Constantly be on the lookout for ways to improve the dashboard reporting, discover issues and deliver better value to the users. Testing and validation of deliverables. Monitor Dashboards Adoption by Business stakeholders.

Qualifications Strong English written and verbal communication skills. French verbal communication skills would be an advantage Planning, finance, P&S Experience in analysing data to draw business-relevant conclusions and in data visualization techniques; QlikSense (user) familiarity would be an advantage Strong analytical capabilities Knowledge in Syngenta Commercial, P&S and Finance business processes SAP Knowledge and Seeds Market knowledge Syngenta is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate in recruitment, hiring, training, promotion or any other employment practices for reasons of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, sexual orientation, marital or veteran status, disability, or any other legally protected status.
Primary Location: FRA-Saint-Sauveur-Saint-Sauveur Job: Marketing & Commercial Strategy

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Business Data Analyst - 6 months fixed term contract (h/f)
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