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Contenu de l'offre Data Scientist chez Teads

In the advertising industry, marketers strive for precise and relevant data regarding users. Our massive scale (more than 1.2B+ users reached monthly) allows us to gather a lot of data.

The Data Science team at Teads aims to provide other teams with a set of knowledge and tools enabling them to obtain a clear vision of their activities (i.e. aggregation of data on different dimensions, qualitative temporal analyzes, performance indicators, etc.) and to enable them to make strategic decisions in short, medium and long terms.

Teads is currently looking for a Data Scientist to strengthen this strategic team.

What will you do ?

Your mission will be to :
Improve existing algorithms & tools allowing to explore and analyze more and more data and provide accurate feedback on the Teads activities. Develop new algorithms & new approaches to provide accurate predictions and forecasting statistics. Implement your algo, mainly in Scala Brainstorm with the other players of the team on how to improve the existing optimization systems. What do we require?

BS Degree in Computer Science or related fields with a strong coding inclination. Strong communication skills both written and oral, and a great team spirit. Proven experience in Statistics (i.e. statistical analysis, regression analysis, …) and/or Artificial Intelligence (i.e. Data Mining, Machine Learning, …) and/or Operational Research. A real ability to read scientific articles, to analyze critically, and to implement as appropriate. Knowledge of the technologies in our stack, or equivalent, is a big plus (we mainly use Scala & Spark). A Scala or Java experience. This is a great opportunity to work, learn and have fun ! We are ready to scale, join us to be part of it!


Montpellier About Teads

Teads is the global media platform.

We have united and empowered the best publishers in the world and distribute ads to over 1.2Bn people every month within professionally-produced content.

Our end-to-end platform delivers full-funnel, outcome-oriented advertising powered by cutting-edge creative technology (Teads Studio) and AI-driven optimization. Not content with outdated ad experiences in the market, we have reinvented digital ads and raised quality standards to delight users, publishers and advertisers.

Teads partners with the leading marketers, agencies and publishers through its team of 700+ in 26 countries.

We're committed to creating a dynamic work environment that values diversity and inclusion, and represents employees across a variety of skill sets. We embrace contributions from all ages, sexes, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations and gender identities.

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