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Contenu de l'offre Product Data Analyst chez Teads

At Teads, we do quality advertising, at scale. We invented outstream video advertising and now have a reach of 1.5 billion unique users per month powered by an end-to-end proprietary platform. We foster a sustainable advertising and media ecosystem by funding quality journalism and respectfully connecting brands to consumers.

We have created a strong company culture that empowers passionate people, gives them the right tools and trusts them to do their jobs as best they can. We thrive on innovation, hard work, and team spirit.

As a Data Analyst, you will use your analytical ability to:

Create relevant dashboards for Teads' each and every services Crunch large sets of data to detect potential issues or opportunities Compose reports and analysis for the Leadership & Management boards Work closely with our Analytics Team to ensure our data warehouse fits the business requirements

In general, proactively use data and create tools to help challenge current setups and processes, with the goal of improving efficiency, scalability and profitability of the business.

Your skills and experiences

Engineering or Business School Master's Degree Great Knowledge and Experience with SQL Fluency in French and English Ability to explain complex ideas and concepts in a clear and simple manner to key stakeholders across the business.

Bonus points

Previous experiences in the AdTech industry / Saas company Knowledge and experience on DataViz tools such as ChartIO, Looker, Data Studio, SumoLogic... Knowledge and experience with SGBD: MySQL, Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, PostgreSQL

This is the right time to join: our Product team has more than ever a pivotal role to set the company on its right trajectory to Nasdaq, and needs brilliant minds to thrive. Our team is young, passionate, and the company is growing quicker than ever!

We provide competitive benefits, in house training and relocation package to settle down in Montpellier!

About Teads

Teads is The Global Media Platform. We have united and empowered the best publishers in the world and distribute ads to over 1.6 billion people every month within professionally-produced content.

Through its end-to-end platform, Teads provides demand-side, sell-side and creative technology to deliver better media effectiveness for brands, better monetisation solutions for publishers, and better experiences for consumers.

Teads partners with the leading marketers, agencies and publishers through a team of 800+ people in 39 countries

We're committed to creating a dynamic work environment that values diversity and inclusion, and represents employees across a variety of skill sets. We embrace contributions from all ages, sexes, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations and gender identities.

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