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Darphin Global Online & E-commerce Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Darphin Global Online & E-commerce Manager chez The Estée Lauder Companies

Be Darphin Global Online & E-commerce Manager is a unique opportunity to integrate and contribute to Darphin’s expansion.

This role will involve a combination of trading, marketing and site merchandising experience WW, with 2 main goals:

Set marketing strategy and budgets to drive engagement, acquisition and retention (focusing on Global Online footprint including T-mall and few high hand pure players platforms) ; Leading web merchandising improvements to optimize conversion (A/B testing and personalization) for our brand sites (HUB and re-launch home market).

Plans, directs, and coordinates Global online activities for Darphin for 5 Brand sites and Retail / Pure Players Partners Sites and e-retailers’ platforms ; Supports markets to manage and maintain the e-comm sites & core sites, ensures, coordinates and follows-up on e-commerce execution ; Extracts & shares reports and evaluates local results provided from each market ; Provides guidelines support to all markets in terms of ecom activities, emailing, merchandising, SEO & SEA ; Works closely with Darphin Global Creative team/ Product marketing team to align online communication to brand marketing plan and to respect DNA the best possible ; Helps developing brand presence and visibility on retailers’ sites in order to increase sales ; Be the main contact between global and markets to validate local requests and secure that global information is well cascaded to every affiliate.


Develop and manage Global e-commerce plans and key channels activities to support new launches, limited editions and major campaigns ; Drive the Brand’s website asset production schedule based on the Global marketing calendar ; Support affiliates to achieve regional and affiliate objectives ; Track all the projects and set up to process to ensure timely delivery to markets ; Ensure alignment and awareness of ongoing activities with Global online teams ; Work in collaboration with local teams on developing specific plans, campaigns and services (i.e. 11:11 Tmall) ; Provide online education & best practices to affiliates and share Global guidelines ; Manage and issue quarterly reporting covering sales and online activities ; Lead and develop documentation to ensure successful launches and maintenance ; Support and follow all redesign/launch of ecom sites scheduled for FY19-20 (focus on .fr).

Position requires minimum of 6+ years of experience in cosmetics or related industry ; Must be an excellent team player with strong analytical and communication skills ; Well-balanced understanding of both Digital and E-Commerce areas in order to manage the Global E-Commerce development roadmap ; Familiar with technical online trends and engineering capabilities ; Passion to drive the online channel forward through ecommerce and brand building activities ; French and English speaker.
Job: Commerce életronique
Primary Location: FR-Paris
Job Type: Standard
Schedule: Temps plein
Job Number: 2113201
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Darphin Global Online & E-commerce Manager
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