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Contenu de l'offre Senior Data Analyst chez The NPD Group

Learn and work on meaningful initiatives with some of the best and brightest in the market research industry. The NPD Group provides the world’s most successful brands with leading market research, combining consumer and retail point-of-sale data with analytic solutions to interpret today’s market trends while anticipating tomorrow’s. In addition, we offer a career filled with innovation and growth to the forward-thinking problem solvers who join our team.

Position Overview

The NPD Group, founded in 1966, is the leading global provider of consumer and retail market research solutions for a wide range of industries. We offer consumer behaviour and point-of-sale (POS) information and industry expertise across more industries than any other market research company. Through our consumer tracking, retail tracking, special reports, custom research capabilities, and other products and services, we help our clients understand and profit from consumer and retail trends. Our data tells them who is buying, what, where, and why at the international, national, and store levels. We are headquartered in the United States, with offices and affiliates in more than a dozen locations across North America, South America, Europe and Asia. In Europe, we have offices in France, the UK, Germany, Spain and Italy.

The NPD group offers a fast-paced and exciting work environment with a collaborative and collegial culture. Please visit our website at .

To complement our Research Science Team and support our business growth,

we are looking for an experienced (5-6y) Senior Data Analyst in our Research Science team ,

Research Science, Senior Data Analyst

Research Science Department is responsible for the development and on-going management of research methodologies, creating understanding and confidence in the research method and the data among internal and external clients in Europe. We support our commercial teams across several industries (Beauty, Sport, Toys, Foodservice), covering primarily the NPD’s consumer based tracking service, but also retail point-of-sale data services too

Within an international environment, you will be involved in our panels for our key accounts in Europe. Your overall responsibilities will include:

You are responsible for overseeing the design & management of NPD’s European consumer tracker methodologies, from sampling to questionnaire to post-data collection. You ensure the reliability of our projection schemes, and our systems of data calibration.

You ensure that solutions are sound and aligned with our clients’ needs, while developing creative approaches which provide valued market insights to our clients.

You actively contribute to the improvement and optimization of statistical methods, you propose solutions to potential issues identified in our consumer and retail data.

You provide guidance and support to the commercial teams and external clients to ensure the best use of the data delivered.


Holder of a diploma equivalent Bac+5 statistics (ENSAE ENSAI, Master statistics / econometrics ...), you have an experienced profile in market research and management of a consumer panel.

You are an expert of SAS software and have a strong statistical expertise; you master the use of other statistical software (R in particular), and the MS Office package.

You understand Consumer data approach to Research methodology design and contribute to its development.

Methodical and organized, you enjoy working in project mode, working closely with international teams.

Your clear and structured communication allows you to effectively communicate complex technical projects to our sales teams, to our senior management and our external clients

English is the working language within NPD. Therefore you must be very capable of working in English in a technical and professional context. French language capability is also required.

Ideally you have experience working in an international environment.

The NPD Group, Inc. is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or protected veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law.

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Senior Data Analyst
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