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Contenu de l'offre Software Data Analyst chez TXT e-solutions SPA

TXT Group is an international, IT end-to-end provider of consultancy, software solutions and services, supporting the digital transformation of customers’ products and core processes. With a proprietary software portfolio and deep expertise in vertical domains, TXT Group operates across different markets, with a growing footprint in Aerospace, Aviation, Defense, Industrial, Government and Fintech. The holding company, TXT e-Solutions, has been listed on the Italian Stock Exchange - STAR segment (TXT.MI) - since July 2000. TXT Group is headquartered in Milan and has subsidiaries in Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Switzerland and the United States of America.

PACE develops innovative software solutions for aircraft and engine manufacturers, aircraft operators and MRO providers. Supporting key aspects of customers’ business processes, from aircraft design and marketing to flight operations, our solutions are appreciated by leading companies around the world including Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier, Embraer, Etihad, Lufthansa and Rolls-Royce.

Software Data Analyst:
TXT Group is looking for a Software Data Analyst, who will be part of a fast-paced aviation-driven team working for an international client dealing with the aviation field.

Do you have a passion for data management and aviation with extraordinary commitment and impeccable communication skills?
We are a German, Berlin-based software company providing global aerospace and aviation industries with trail-blazing software products that improve the way aircraft are designed, marketed and operated. PACE ( has renowned international customers including Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier, Embraer, Lufthansa, Rolls-Royce, and many more.
We are currently expanding our operations in Berlin and are looking for an individual seeking work in a challenging and agile environment and eager to contribute to the design of future airplane configuration. You will be working in a fast-paced aviation-driven team being responsible for establishing and validating configuration data for airplanes

Main responsibilities:
Creation of application catalog data for Pacelab Cabin (industry standard software in aircraft and cabin configuration) in a relational data model describing the full configuration offer of an airplane;

Gathering and organizing input information and document decisions from different stakeholders and experts;

Extraction of information from input documents and translation into format readable for Pacelab Cabin;

Validating application data with different stakeholders. Organizing and managing validation, distributing feedback;

Establishing and maintaining processes to create and maintain catalog data.

Requested skills:
Technical programming skills;
Good knowledge of Microsoft Excel;
Strong analytical skills;
Ability to extract and manipulate data, including gaining knowledge of data sources.

Expertise in Visual Basic, Autodesk 3DSMax and AutoCad is considered as a plus.

Knowledge of written and spoken English is important, while knowledge of French will be considered a plus.

Education: Degree in engineering field.

The ideal candidate is a proactive worker with excellent communication, problem solving and team working skills. Moreover, he/she has a customer service oriented spirit.

We offer a permanent contract and the opportunity to work in an international environment.
Cpf final 4

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