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Contenu de l'offre CRM Data Analyst (W/M/NB) chez Ubisoft

Company Description

Ubisoft’s 20,000 team members, working across more than 40 locations around the world, are bound by a common mission to enrich players’ lives with original and memorable gaming experiences. Their dedication and talent has brought to life many acclaimed franchises such as Assassin’s Creed, Far Cry, Watch Dogs, Just Dance, Rainbow Six, and many more to come. Ubisoft is an equal opportunity employer that believes diverse backgrounds and perspectives are key to creating worlds where both players and teams can thrive and express themselves. If you are excited about solving game changing challenges, cutting edge technologies and pushing the boundaries of entertainment, we invite you to join our journey and help us Create the unknown.

Job Description

We’re currently seeking a CRM Data Operations Specialist (W/M/NB) to join our CRM Data Ops team. This person has experience in key aspects of Data Operations and Business Intelligence, works well cross-functionally, and has a track record of success. This is a transformative role, and the ideal candidate will both build new Business Intelligence solutions and help the CRM team to derive insights, answer business questions and drive growth.


As such, your main responsibilities include:

Design, develop and maintain scaled, automated, user-friendly systems, reports, dashboards, etc. that will support our analytical and business needs for the Global CRM team. Write high quality SQL code to retrieve and analyze data from database tables and learn and understand a broad range of Ubisoft’s data resources and know how, when, and which to use and which not to use. Develop queries and visualizations for ad-hoc requests and projects, as well as ongoing reporting. Create and maintain an Analytics Layer that augments Ubisoft’s enterprise data environment with CRM specific data needs. Work closely with the CRM Operations team to help operationalize player segmentation, control groups and A/B tests. Serve as a data expert for the CRM tech stack and data pipelines/structure. Coordinate with cross-functional partners to project manage CRM requirements across different data groups
Relevant experience in data operations in a business analysis domain (Marketing, CRM, etc.- in-house experience strongly preferred). Strong programming/scripting knowledge in building and maintaining ETL using SQL, Python, etc. Excellent understanding of Data Operations and DevOps principles Production-level experience with data migration/management and data pipelining (Snowflake, Airflow, Tableau). Experience with schema design and dimensional data modeling. Experience in data analysis and reporting, specifically creating Tableau and Excel reports to provide actionable insight on specific business issues. Written and verbal skills to effectively communicate to both business and technical teams, including defining business requirements and conveying key insights from complex analysis Creative problem-solving skills with focus on efficient execution while balancing big-picture thinking You’re fluent in English (both written and oral)
Additional Information

Ubisoft offers the same job opportunities to all, without any distinction of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, social status, disability or age. Ubisoft ensures the development of an inclusive work environment which mirrors the diversity of our players’ community.

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CRM Data Analyst (W/M/NB)
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