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Data Analyst - Internship (F/M/NB)

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Contenu de l'offre Data Analyst - Internship (F/M/NB) chez Ubisoft

Company Description

Green Panda Games is a vibrant and fast-growing mobile gaming start-up, part of the Ubisoft group. We are a leading mobile games publisher with games downloaded more than 200 million times in more than 150 countries!

We primarily create and publish idle games, but also games from diverse categories, ranging from hyper-casual to casual, constantly deepening our games’ mechanics and our portfolio. We are looking to further grow our internal creation and publishing businesses at a rapid pace.

We are motivated, ambitious and passionate individuals in high-performing teams, who share the aim to become the best mobile gaming publisher in the industry. We need your help to achieve this!

Job Description

As a Data Analyst intern, you will join a high-performing team of international people. Receiving various data demands across teams everyday, you will work closely with the Product & Game design teams to help them understand data and make data-driven decisions.

Your missions will be primarily (but not limited to) the following:

Coordinate with internal teams to work on actual business problems and provide recommendations Develop automated dashboards and reports with tableau to improve data autonomy and overall efficiency of the teams Work closely with data engineers to shape our data strategy Extract useful insights from data, with analysis and testing, in close collaboration with other functional teams Use analytical skills and business sense to nurture innovation and find new opportunities for growth.

By joining the team, you will help others share their expertise on various important more topics and contribute to the success of the different knowledge sharing initiatives, while sharpening your own skills in communications as well as tracking the success of content.

Student or graduate with a degree in business analytics, data science, computer science, engineering, mathematics or a related field. Data-savvy mind with strong interest for data Proven problem solving and critical thinking skills Experience with data analysis, with a focus on one or more of the following: SQL / Python / R Effortlessly communicate with colleagues from various backgrounds Ability to work both within teams and stay autonomous. Fluent in English Previous internship experience in a similar environment is a huge plus Product sense and game design knowledge are great advantage Understanding of mobile gaming and the video game industry is a plus.

Internship available from September 2021.

Additional Information

What are your benefits as a Ubitrainee?

Join the 1st company of the latest Happy Trainees ranking #Happy@Ubi Internship reward according to the studies level. Meal voucher Apetiz Card, 50% refund of travel pass, 1 day-off per month 2 free video games, ticket reduction (concerts / shows), access to the Ubisoft gym at preferential price.

Ubisoft questions box:

How should I prepare my application to Ubisoft?

First, read the job description carefully in order to highlight your relevant experiences and skills for this position! A personalized and well-detailed resume will certainly allow you to stand out

Cover letter or not? Between both, we’ll always prefer a few lines explaining your interest in the internship /apprenticeship, rather than a long generic copy / paste! A dedicated space is also specifically provided for this purpose when you apply on our site.

How does the recruitment process work?

If your application is accepted, first you will be contacted by a recruiter of our Campus team for a phone screen or a deferred video interview to determine if your profile fits the job but also to your desires. Afterward, a physical or a video interview via Teams will be scheduled with your future manager. During the recruitment process, you could also have to complete a case study or meet your next n + 2 and some of your future colleagues.

I don't know the video game industry. Do I fit in to Ubisoft?

A lot of Ubisoft’s employees are not huge fans of video games. At Ubisoft, we are looking for people who are passionate about their specialties, their jobs or entertainment in general.

What is being a UbiTrainee / What is it like to be a UbiTrainee?

At Ubisoft, after a training period, you will be given empowering missions which may evolve throughout your experience with us. You can expect real challenges to take up every day!

Being an intern in our company also means enjoying the best of both worlds: the vision, stability, opportunities and brands’ catalog of a large international group, but also freedom, creativity, entrepreneurial spirit and the friendly work environment of a start-up.

How are the Trainees supported during their experience at Ubisoft?

Our HR teams are responsible for supporting you during your experience. It involves close HR monitoring (answers to everyday questions, discussions on your career path within Ubisoft after your internship / apprenticeship, etc.) and the animation of the Trainees community (Welcome Sessions, dedicated Teams group, Trainees Week, etc.) and a few other surprises ).

I have a disability; how could I apply?

All our recruitment teams are aware of disability issues. Therefore, you can apply normally via our Smartrecruiters platform by attaching your resume and cover letter. If you need any adjustment of the recruitment process, especially when it involves video interviews, don’t hesitate to state it during your application and / or contact the Handicap Mission team by email (

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Data Analyst - Internship (F/M/NB)
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