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Marketing & Acquisition Manager (M/F)

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Contenu de l'offre Marketing & Acquisition Manager (M/F) chez Ubisoft

Job Description

Under the responsibility of the Studio Manager, you will join the Studio executive team in charge of the strategic development of our titles, with the aim of acquiring players. You will manage a team consisted of specialists, ready to help you in your missions and you will work on the roll-out by collaborating with our HQ.

Your main responsibilities will be the following ones :

Defining the acquisition strategy of our games and monitoring the output of our campaign rolled out on ad networks, UA networks and the whole channel selected Maximizing the efficiency of these campaigns and their ROAS by optimizing their targeting, their bids and budgets allocated and their contents : visuals, texts, variations. Pitching the 1st parties Apple and Google and promoting our titles on stores with the aim of obtaining the maximum visibility for our games : featuring, ASO, SEO Managing the output of creative marketing, UA and communication assets by relying on their performance (data) while respecting the IP Developing our acquisition via the RP/media channels and keep testing new ways to increase our audience Leading and committing our communities of players by creating with our CM fun, attractive and innovative content on social networks, forums etc Being an expert of the market by overseeing consumption reports at every steps of the development and by staying aware of trends and competition Keep validating the strategic positioning of our games on the market, working on their identity in line with their content and participating in the potential creation of IPs

You have :

At least 4-5 years’ experience on a marketing function and/or User Acquisition in the digital field A mental agility and leadership – open-minded, conciliatory, versatile – mixed with a strong willing to create and innovate The capability to analyse issues quickly – especially from encrypted data – to summarize conclusions and to convince on relevant directions A smart perception about players’ uses and new business models on mobile devices A good videogame culture and a strong interest for entertainment universe and new technologies
Additional Information

Cpf final 4

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Marketing & Acquisition Manager (M/F)
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