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Product Data Analyst - Green Panda Games M - W - Nb H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Product Data Analyst - Green Panda Games M - W - Nb H/F chez Ubisoft

Ubisoft recherche …
Green Panda Games is a vibrant and fast-growing mobile gaming start-up, part of the Ubisoft group. We are a leading mobile games publisher with games downloaded more than 250 million times in more than 150 countries !

We primarily create and publish idle games, but also games from diverse categories, ranging from hyper-casual to casual, constantly deepening our games' mechanics and our portfolio. We are looking to further grow our internal creation and publishing businesses at a rapid pace.

We are motivated, ambitious and passionate individuals in high-performing teams, who share the aim to become the best mobile gaming publisher in the industry. We need your help to achieve this !

As a Product Data Analyst, you will join a high-performing team made up of international people. Receiving various data demands across teams everyday, you will work closely with our production teams to help them understand data and make data-driven decisions.

Reporting to the Data Lead, your missions will BE primarily the following :
Work closely with the production teams (producers, game designers, testers, developers) and understand their data needs, depending on the steps of the production;
Coordinate with internal teams to work on actual business problems and provide recommendations;
Develop automated dashboards and reports with Tableau to improve data autonomy and overall efficiency of the teams;
Maintain/update/create event trackings in our games to understand user in-game behaviors;
Launch AB tests to test new features/formats to generate best user in-game experience;
Work closely with data engineers to shape our cloud-based data warehouse;
Extract useful insights from data, with analysis and testing, in close collaboration with other functional teams;
Use analytical skills and business sense to nurture innovation and find new opportunities for growth.

A first experience in data analysis or data engineering (data analysis XP for mobile app / product development is preferred but not necessary)
B.S. or B.A. in business analytics, data science, computer science, engineering, mathematics or other technical field (M.S. is a plus);
Data-savvy mind with strong interest for data;
Proven problem solving and critical thinking skills;
Experience with data analysis, with a focus on one or more of the following : SQL/Python/R;
Good communication skills in English
You are autonomous, motivated, and eager to learn and to grow in a fast-moving and ambitious company !

Bonus :
Knowledge of mobile gaming is a plus.
- IT's a plus if you speak a bit of français but IT's not mandatory.
Cpf final 4

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Product Data Analyst - Green Panda Games M - W - Nb H/F
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