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Referential Data Manager, EMEA M/F

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Contenu de l'offre Referential Data Manager, EMEA M/F chez Ubisoft

Paris (75) Job Description

As a Data Steward Manager, you will be in charge of the referential « Products » to guarantee the quality of information given to WW teams (Sales, E-commerce, Finance EMEA and HQ, Supply Chain, IT…).

Accountable for the consistency of referential and data reliability, you will have to insure the ever going evolution of our models to match the dynamics of the video game industry – your ability to recommend improvements while keeping in mind the axis of analysis on the company (Products, Markets, Customers, Organization, etc.) would be key.

More precisely, your missions will be the following :

Data Referential Project Expert

Deep understanding of business needs will make you the Subject Matter Expert for referential hierarchy and attributes definition As Data referent for EMEA, you’ll participate actively in transversal projects on processes and tools Source of proposals, you’ll work at optimizing processes taking into consideration constraints and deadlines of all stakeholders (e.g. Sales, E-commerce, EMEA and HQ financials teams, …)

Data Pipelining Project Expert

Define the necessary improvements and fine tuning of our data pipelines as a daily collaborator with business owner and analysts Insure and optimize governance of tools and process of data collection Dispatch data to all concerned team while applying security rules of the company Define and contribute to the elaboration of synthetic dashboards with our IT teams

Data Quality Referent

Validate collected data consistency by crossing available sources e.g. actuals vs. forecast, acquisition vs. Sell Through, etc. Early identifier of data related issue, your responsibility will extend from keeping key data end users informed to matter solving through collaboration with relevant teams (IT, external partners) Build and explore data integrity reports both for references and transactionnal.

Your extensive knowledge of data processing and structuring allows you to support users in their readings and interpretations.


The ideal candidate will have an advanced degree in Business or related fields and will have 5 years of experience in project management and data.

Multi-skilled, you show a high curiosity on several topics. This enabled you to intervene on different projects and be quickly operational on them.

You have strong skills in analysis and synthesis in order to deal with significant volumes of data. You have a proven aptitude for management and a strong strength of conviction.

You are business oriented and have good communication skills in order to work in coordination with other teams.

Very rigorous you master referential and reporting tools: EBX MDM, Microstrategy...

Knowledge of Tableau and SQL is a plus.

English is compulsory.

Additional Information

Position available immediately

This position is based in Montreuil Sous Bois (Métro Porte de Montreuil - line 9, or St Mandé - line 1).

Cpf final 4

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Referential Data Manager, EMEA M/F
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