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Contenu de l'offre Junior Business Analyst chez Unisys

92708 Colombes

We Believe in Better!

We are a global information technology company that builds high-performance, security-centric solutions that can help change the world. Enhancing people’s lives through secure, reliable advanced technology is our vision.

At Unisys, we believe in better! Here, you have the opportunity to learn new skills, apply your expertise, and solve complex problems with cutting edge technologies and solutions. You are part of a global diverse team that supports you, drives change, and delivers successful results consistently.

Our associates are at the forefront of everything we do, driving our clients’ successes while giving back to communities and making a positive impact on enhancing the quality of life to help make this world a safer and more secure place to live and work. Our success is a direct result of the work of our people who live and breathe our Core Beliefs. Simply put, we believe in better lives. Join us!

Learn more about Unisys and our key solution offerings: Unisys, Stealth , CloudForte , Intelliserve

What success looks like in this role:

The Junior Business Analyst will design and/or modify business processes and the corresponding information technology solutions. Acts as liaison between the business users and IT. Collaborates with multiple cross-functional areas externally and internally in the implementation of system and business processes.

In this role you will directly work with one of our biggest Telco client and provide day-to-day customer engineer support -including face-to-face customer meetings and recurring conference calls. Your job will also cover participation in joint application design sessions to collect business requirements, in planning initiatives, feasibility studies, cost/benefit analysis and design You will have opportunity to work with the QA team to prepare test scenarios and data, prepare training and technical documentation and manage business and functional requirements You will use powerful analysis and modeling tools to match strategic business objectives with practical technical solutions Your team has strong capability in project management, architect, development and integration engineering which will also help you to develop yourself within these areas

You will be successful in this role if you have:

BA or MA degree within IT or equivalent Engineer School certification Outstanding communication skill in French is a must and at least on intermediate level in English 0-2+ years of experience within the IT Industry Experience within Telco industry is a plus Consistent and solution oriented approach Client centric mindset
Cpf final 4

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