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Contenu de l'offre Senior Data Analyst chez United Nations

Result of Service

The Consultant will lead the engagement and data analysis of the mid and downstream segments. He/she will also contribute to the work of technical task forces on the development of new technical guidance documents;guidelines on uncertainty and reconciliation; and on methane detection, quantification and mitigation technologies and methodologies. In particular, the consultant will be the primary point of contact for current and prospective OGMP 2.0 companies from the mid and downstream segments. He/she will lead the engagement of mid and downstream companies into the Partnership, review data reported by companies and identify data trends for the annual OGMP 2.0 report and work with OGMP member companies on their data methodologies and provide technical feedback to assist their reporting. He/she will support relevant methane science studies coordinated by IMEO.

Work Location


Expected duration

1 year renewable

Duties and Responsibilities

The United Nations Environment Programme (Energy and Climate Branch) implements the International Methane Emissions Observatory (IMEO) and the Oil and Gas Methane Partnership 2.0 (OGMP 2.0), an ambitious reporting initiative to facilitate methane emissions reductions from the oil and gas sector. A consultant in the methane detection and mitigation process is needed to provide technical advice and support to the Programme Managers in charge of the OGMP and of the IMEO.

The OGMP 2.0 is a multi-stakeholder partnership working to improve methane emissions reporting. The updated reporting framework launched in November 2020, is the most ambitious and comprehensive reporting framework for methane emissions from the oil and gas sector. Member companies will report on methane emissions levels from all material sources across the entire oil and gas value chain, including both operated and non-operated assets. OGMP 2.0 is a comprehensive measurement-based methane reporting framework that standardizes rigorous and transparent emissions accounting practices.

OGMP 2.0 reported data will be integrated by the International Methane Emissions Observatory with other data streams (remote sensing data, scientific measurements data, national inventories).

Qualifications/special skills Competency: - Experience in detection, quantification and mitigation methane emissions methodologies and technologies within the O&G industry, in particular gas midstream and downstream assets;
Strong quantitative skills and experience in performing rigorous analyses; Skill in synthesizing primary research and to summarize and translate technical data appropriately for a variety of audiences; Intellectual agility and comfort with working on a wide variety of environmental topics; Excellent written and oral communication skills; Experience / knowledge of remote sensing and top down measurement technologies a plus; Strong computer proficiency, including Excel, Word, and Internet research; Ability to work independently and support a multi-disciplinary team, using independent judgment to plan, prioritize and organize a diverse workload in a fast-paced environment, Ability to work with colleagues and partners of varied backgrounds and experience. Academic Qualifications: - Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in an environmental, sciences or engineering relevant field,
A first-level university degree in combination with ten years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree. Experience: - At least seven years of relevant work experience in the oil and gas sector
Familiarity with methane emissions sources from gas midstream and downstream assets, detection and quantification methodologies and technologies, and mitigation of methane emissions. Language: - For the post advertised, fluency in oral and written English. Additional languages are an asset.

No Fee


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