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Tech Talent Acquisition Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Tech Talent Acquisition Manager chez Uptime

Company Description

Founded in Paris in 2016, Uptime is a tech startup specialized in IoT, with 65 uptimers that help BtoB companies create value for their customers, enabling them to make the technological transition in a sector that has never done so before.

Currently, we are present in Europe: France, Greece, UK.

Our identity is the product! We provide a platform (PaaS) and a complete operational suite: embedded hardware, IoT/data and software.

If you want to join a start-up that scales and participate in the conquest of a market of more than $115 billion, this is the time to send your application.

Job Description

Jessie, Uptime's Talent Manager is looking for a Tech Talent Acquisition Manager for attract and recruit the talents to allow uptime’s R&D team to fulfill its product strategy.

In this role, you will be a trusted partner to our hiring managers, providing advice and adapting the hiring strategy to fill key positions on time.

Of course, you are responsible for the recruitments that are entrusted to you and must therefore put in place all the means at your disposal to find the right people.

As part of your day-to-day duties, you will:

Drive and set the pace throughout the recruitment cycle. Take the brief of the position and be realistic about the need with the hiring manager. Identify the effective recruitment levers and make proposals to adapt the process to the targeted candidates For each new need, structure the content of the recruitment stages and the assessment criteria. Lead the screen calls and be present during the interview with the manager if necessary. Achieve an average of 8 weeks between the beginning of the search and the closing. Ensure centralization of all CRs on the ATS. Ensure exemplary responsiveness in the processing of applications and provide a response to all candidates within 48 hours between each stage. Monitor the success of the onboarding and the achievement of the first objectives with the people team and the hiring manager. Contribute to making uptime a recognized technology company through its employer brand. Ensure compliance with the recruitment methodology

You have already recruited tech profiles in a startup, ideally in an international environment and you are now looking for more responsibilities in a hyper-growth startup, because you know that this is the time when everything is structured!

You've learned to manage your hires independently, find solutions when things seem to be stalled, and provide visibility into your progress to key stakeholders. As a result, you are able to quickly produce high-impact results for the organization.

In addition, you have a keen understanding of human relations, of what motivates or interests the people with whom you interact, thanks in particular to your active listening skills, your ability to reformulate and your sense of analysis of the various situations presented to you.

English and French spoken and written required.

Additional Information

What can make a difference to you:

a clear and very supportive policy on homeworking. a challenging environment a company that strives to grow its employees (feedback, training, promotions, internal mobility) a healthy culture, with employees involved at all levels team-building rituals a sustainable mobility package

The recruitment process is as follows:

45' screen call with Jessie, Talent Manager Use Case of 1h, in video, still with Jessie Interview with Jessie and another member of the HR team Focus interview with Amaury, CEO Reference call
Cpf final 4

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Tech Talent Acquisition Manager
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